11. A New Friend?

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After several agonizing weeks of having to deal with Hayden carrying my stuff, I was finally healed enough to carry my own things. I could finally drive my own car to school instead of having the awkward rides to school with him.

I blare my music as I drive to school. Lyrics of My Chemical Romance fills my ears, soothing my thoughts. I speed into the parking lot, noticing a new student getting out of his car. I pull in a few cars down and grab my things, shutting off the car and exiting it. The stranger looks back at me with a curious gaze, for a slight moment he stopped and stared at me.

To this I raised my eyebrow, wondering why the hell he is staring. He notices my questioning look and starts to walk to the school again. He was tall and slender, I could tell that he was fit. His arms were toned and his shirt cling to his body in all the right ways. His pitch black hair was styled very nicely and he was clean shaven. His shoulders were broad. My eyes wondered down his back until they skimmed over his body. He had a very nice ass if I do say so myself. He filled his black, tight jeans very well, it looked almost as if they were made just for him.

"Jade!" A voice shouts drawing my attention away from the attractive man. My happy mood dissipates into thin air once I see Hayden. He saunters over to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder, which I immediately shrug off.

"You know, he will never see you the way you want him to. He will only see a sad pathetic mess of person. Your broken Jade, and no one likes broken things." He whispers the last part in my ear before pushing past me.

My good mood vanishing completely and I am left feeling empty inside. He's right, that's what everyone always sees when they look at me, a broken useless girl that deserves no love. How could I ever think anything else when I've been told countless times by everyone around me that I'm not worth their time. Not worth a single, precious second of their busy day.

My backpack hits my desk with a loud thud, some kids look at me but I don't acknowledge their stares. I sigh as I sit down, emptying my English supplies out onto my table. I start to run my fingers against the spiral of my notebook, hitting my fingernail on the metal loops, one by one they make a slight ping. The classroom fills up more and more and I hear the kids talking to one another, not bothering with what they are saying. They all sound muffled and far away. Lost in my own little world until the bell rings and the teacher starts to speak.

I pay little attention and space off. I feel Hayden poking and prodding at my side but I pay him no mind, that is until he starts to pull my hair.

"Do you mind?"

"No, not at all." He smirks back.

"Are you so dissatisfied with your life that you have to pick on me to make your shitty life feel an ounce better?" I ask throwing my attitude in his face. I am in no mood for his shit. I just want the day to be over.

He stops his actions for a moment, looking around for the teacher. When he sees she is busy helping a student with their assignment he comes closer, grabbing a handful of my hair and yanking it towards him. Pain shoots through my scalp and I yelp in pain.

"I pick on you because it is fun and satisfying to see your pathetic ass squirm from my torment. I love the way your eyes loose their light when you finally realize that you are worth nothing." He growls into my ear pushing me away. I hit the metal bar of the desk with a ting, sending a shooting pain through my side.

I grasp my side and squeeze my eyes close trying to not let the tears escape. As class went on Hayden stopped pestering me and actually did his assignment. I hardly could focus on mine, my mind kept wandering, not thinking of anything particularly. The bell rang making me jump, I pick up my things and don't even bother unzipping my bag to put my stuff back in it. I shuffle out into the hallway to go to my next class. Hayden is waiting for me, leaning against a locker with his arms crossed.

My sadistic step brotherWhere stories live. Discover now