24. Tragic

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Warning!!!!!!! Very triggering scenes ahead. Read with caution. I am warning you this is a sad chapter.

My hair was precious to me. It hadn't been cut since 6th grade; it being shoulder length at the time. It is was down to my butt. I had never dyed my hair either, it was completely healthy and soft. The only thing that hadn't been tainted by Hayden's filthy hands. The only security blanket that I had left. Now I am with nothing.

Tears drip from my eyes and onto my hair. Cut pieces of my precious hair scatter the floor, along with the open scissors. Blood drips from the blades ends. My hand travels over the patchy, bloody mess they left me with. Blood cakes my finger tips. I wipe the red liquid onto the shirt I acquired. My body aches, shaking uncontrollably.

It had been around 10 minutes since they left. They left a broken pathetic girl sitting on the floor. Not moving at all she sits there wishing she was dead, debating wether to finish her suffering once and for all with the scissors they left. No. I don't want to die here.

I grab the end of the bed, pulling my weak body up to stand. I struggle to keep my balance. I walk to the dresser and rummage through the drawers in search for some sweats or something that I can easily slip on. Once I find what I'm looking for I slip into the soft material. I look around the room, trying to find a hoodie or something to conceal my identity with. Once I find one I put it on I zip it up and put the hood over my sensitive head.

The music plays through the door and my heart starts to race just at the thought of going out into the crowds of people. I don't want any attention drawn to me, and I surely don't want Whiskey to see me and take me to the hospital. All that would cause is more trouble that I don't need. As I make my way out of the room the music pounds in my ears, I walk down the stairs looking at the floor. Trying to not be recognized by anyone.

As I'm approaching the entrance of the house someone grabs my shoulder spinning me to look at them.

"Are you ok?" I look up to see a random female standing in front of me. Her voice is soft and her face is covered in worry.

"Yeah I'm fine." My voice comes out raspy and harsh. I shrug off her hand. She raises her hand to my face wiping the red liquid from my forehead.

"You're bleeding!" She exclaims. "Do you need to go to the hospital? I can take you."

"I'm fine I'm just going home." I try to assure her but it comes out strained.

"I can-"

"No! I'm fine!" I swat her hand away and rush out the door. Luckily she doesn't follow. I walk past all the people on the grass and make my way home. Lucky for me it's only a 15 minute walk home. On the other hand I am exhausted and it's hell trying to walk.

Soon enough I make it to the apartment. I pull out my wallet retrieving my key. The door clicks and I open it slamming it shut once I'm inside. My back hits the door with exhaustion and I slide down the slick surface sitting on the welcome mat. I plant my face in my hands and start to sob. I shake under the trauma I had acquired today. How will I get through this one?

My head pops up remembering the tiny box I had hid under my bed. Full of the tiny blades that call out to me. Craving to be used just once more. One more time, then they will be put away for good. Far from my reach. Out of sight and out of mind.

Just one more time, I think to myself. I need the relief. My body moves without me thinking about it as I make my way to retrieve the box. I rummage through the many boxes beneath my bed and grab the black box containing the blades that I desperately desired. Once the box is in my hands I go to the bathroom. Turning on the light, I close the door and lock it. I strip off the hoodie and remove the rest of the clothing. I look at my reflection and see a foreign face staring back at me. Blood had been inching down my face without me knowing. The dried remanence of the liquid was all that remained. My face had bruises from where Hayden had hit me. My neck had bruises from Hayden's hands when he had choked me and he had also left hickeys that laced down my neck and to my collar bone and shoulders. My ear also had dried blood from him biting it. I couldn't count how many other bruises he left over the rest of my body. My legs and hips had bruises from his harsh grip and my inner thighs had bruises from where his hips hit me with every rough thrust he made. The event played through my mind over and over again.

I couldn't take it anymore, I looked away from the mirror. Tears streamed down my face once again. I grab the box from the counter and open it without a second thought. The shiny blades sparkled under the lights. I climb into the white tub. The cold surface envelops my body as I sit down. I dump out the blades on the side of the tub lining them up. I take the first one, placing it to to the skin of my thigh. I let out a heavy breathe before slicing the blade across my skin. Blood gushes from the deep cut. I let out a shaky breathe that I had been holding. I place the blade onto another part of my thigh repeating the process over and over again, until finally my legs were covered in cuts that oozed out the red liquid. Some cuts were deeper than others but not deep enough to bleed out. Next I move to my wrists.

Gashing my wrist with every swift move. The final one that I made was vertical. The deep cut poured blood. This time it is deep enough to end it. I drop the blood soaked blade onto the bathroom floor. It hits the ground with a *tink* and I am left to watch myself bleed out. A puddle of blood builds up beneath me. I lay my head back, feeling the life force drain out of me. I slowly close my eyes. Drifting away slowly. Why me? All this happened to me and for what? Hayden had finally won. Was this his plan all along? To see me so broken to actually have me follow through with this.

My mind begins to drift and my body is finally relaxed. Finally I can escape.

"Jade! Jade! Where are you?!" I can hear the echoe of someone calling for me. But it's too late now.

"Jade! No no please god no! Jade Don't go!"

Well guys.... I am sorry. I know y'all hate me now but like I said this was all going to happen and I know you all wanted her to get away from Hayden and all that but😬

Well I'm sure you guys will tell me ur opinions on how fucked this chapter is.

Thanks for reading!! Don't forget to vote!!

Much love,


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