16. The Mall

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"Jade, please tell me what happened. I hate to see you like this." Whiskey places his hands on mine, which are placed on the table. The café smelled of coffee and other delectable goodies, but the events earlier had spoiled my appetite. I couldn't stomach to eat anything, I felt so filthy and I was disgusted with myself.

I didn't want to tell Whiskey because I knew there would be nothing he could do. I look down at our hands and slowly pull away giving him a fake smile. "Nothing happened I'm fine I promise."

"I know something happened, your mood had completely changed from being happy now you're not even talking. Plus I can see the mark on tour neck." He reaches out and brushes his hand along the mark on my neck. I jump from this and move away from his hand.

"It's his way of showing that I'm his and you need to back off." My eyes wander around the café, looking anywhere but at him.

"He can't stop me from being around you." He pauses and I look at him. "Jade, your 18 now aren't you?"

"Yeah I am, why?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Well I was thinking, I want you to get away from the abuse at your house. It's totally up to you but I have an apartment and I have an extra bedroom that you are more than welcome to come live in." He grabs my hands again, this time I don't pull away. "Please think about. I do care and I want you to be out of that horrible living situation."

"I-I don't know Whiskey...." I look down at my lap. "I don't want to be a burden."

"You're not a burden Jade. You just need some help out of a bad situation and I want to help."

"I don't even have a job though. I can't pay rent and I don't want you to spend money on me."

"Don't worry, I can help you look for a job and my days off. For now, don't worry about rent or anything until you get a job, ok?"

"Ok. Are you sure I can move in?" I smile at him. He always has a way of making my day after what Hayden does to me.

"I am totally sure Jade. We can get you moved in whenever you want."

"The sooner the better." I say with a slight chuckle.

"Sounds good to me." He gives me his famous smile that would brighten anyones day. "Would you like a doughnut or something else?"

"I'm not really up to eating anything right now. Maybe later."

"Ok that's fine. Let's go walk around shall we?"

I nod standing up and walking out with him. We walked around to different stores. We entered the ones that caught our attention and looked around at all the different things. He offered to buy me the things that I liked but I politely declined his offers. After awhile we ended up in Spencer's.

I entered the store immediately after seeing it. I saw some of my favorite bands merch and looked at it in aw. I always wanted to purchase some but I never had any money for any of it. I stopped in from of the t-shirts. Grabbing at the bottoms of them and feeling the fabric. One t-shirt caught my eye in particular. A Falling in Reverse shirt. The neons pink lips with the bright blue tongue logo covered the shirt with the band name above it. It looked like blue and pink paint was splatter on it. I looked at it for awhile, feeling the fabric. I looked for a medium seized shirt, which would be a bit big but I liked bigger clothes. I grabbed it off the hook and put it up against my chest seeing if it would fit or not.

I let out a sigh and put it back moving on to a different section of the store. Whiskey stayed by the shirts as I went to the hats. I smiled as I saw some cool Batman hats. I grabbed on that had designs all over it. Some of it was joker and some Harley Quinn. The Batman logo was at the front of the hat but had Joker spelt many times in side of it. I observed it for a bit longer before noticing Whiskey looking at me. I smiled at him and put the hat back.

"You ready." I ask.

"Um I'm going to buy a few things. You can look around more until I'm done." He smiles.

I notice a shirt folded in his hands. I nod then walk away going to the back. I had never been to the back of a Spencer's store. It was filled with adult toys and other different items that I've never seen before. I look at the lingerie and think about how I would never look good in anything like that.

After a few minutes of looking around Whiskey comes back to get me. "Naughty Naughty Jade, looking at the sex toys are ya?" He laughs when the embarrassment covers my face, heating my cheeks.

"I-I don't even know what half this stuff is."

"Aw you're so innocent." He teases me, nudging my arm. "Ready? Or are you too fascinated with the sex toys?"

"I- I uh.." I turn around and quickly walk towards the front. I can hear his laughter as he follows me.

As I exit the store I turn around to wait for him. He walk ups to me and stops in front of me. He then lifts up a bag and hands it to me. I look at him with a curios gaze, lifting my eyebrow. I hesitantly take the bag and open the bag, looking at the contents inside. I gasp slightly as I see the Falling in Reverse shirt, the Batman hat, and a pair of black Batman earrings.

I look up at him with a surprised look. "You didn't have to buy me these."

"No I didn't, but I wanted to." He smiles down at me as I look at my newly bought merch.

Out of no where I embrace him a tight hug. "Thank you sooooo much! You are the best!" He raps his arms around me, squeezing me tightly.

"You are very welcome my dear." He pats my head before pulling away. "Are you hungry at all?"

"Yeah a bit."

"Then let's go eat shall we?" He grins at me before making his way down to the food market which I follow by his side.

The rest of the day was amazing. We spent the whole day talking about anything we could think of. When he dropped me off at my house I walked into my house with a smile on my face. Today was the best day I have had in what seems like forever. Hopefully life will get better after I move in with Whiskey.

Hello everyone! How are you guys doing? We just hit 1k reads the other day! I'm super excited and thank you guys for reading. What do you guys think? Will Jade be happier living with Whiskey? Will events stop her from doing so? What do you guys think Hayden will do when he finds out about it?

Thank you everyone who reads my story, I appreciate all of you! Don't forget to vote!

Much love,

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