4. Lunch Time is the Worst

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The first day is usually really boring and goes by super slow, especially when you have a bully that is in your class. Hayden is in three out of five of my classes. My first hour, English, he sits to my left. He wouldn't leave me alone and he kept throwing paper at me along with a few pencils and some spare change. The paper that he threw contained insults and hatred towards me. After the first few that he threw, I stopped reading them.

My second hour is art and luckily he doesn't have an interest in art. I had a very peaceful and relaxing second period. Well that is until it ended and I walked out only to find Hayden waiting for me to pester me even more. He shoved me into a locker and called me pathetic. Then he followed me to my third hour which I found out that he is in too.

My third hour is math and I usually love math but I am about to hate this class because of the one and only Hayden Radke. He sits right behind me in this period. I swear to god he planned all of this out so he can make sure that I have a horrible senior year. He kept pulling my hair and messing with my chair making me irritated. The teacher even watched him do it a couple of times and said nothing about it. The kids around us kept snickering every time that he would start to pester me.

After my third period ended he followed behind me kicking my feet and trying to trip me every chance he got. In the middle of the hallway, he tripped me making me fall face-first onto the ground. I slowly pick myself up and turn to face him. He stops laughing and stares at me with an eyebrow raised, daring me to do something. I glare at him waiting for his next move.

"Oh come on Jade, keep moving. You gotta go to class, don't want to be late do ya?" He asks pointing in the direction of my next class. P.E was my next class and I had a feeling he was also in that class as well.

I roll my eyes and continue walking to class. He stops trying to trip me but follows close behind me. This class wasn't as bad as the other two classes I've had with him. His two best friends Dustin and Trey kept him company, keeping his mind off of me for the day.

After my fourth hour is lunch, where the torture gets worse. I've had multiple lunches spilled because of them. Sometimes I would make it to my table without them spilling it and other times I barely make it out of the lunch line.

I start walking towards the lunchroom as I get closer I can smell the food, making my stomach growl loudly.

"Sounds like someone's hungry." I turn my head to see Hayden walking next to me with his two friends. "It would be a shame if you happen to drop your food." He doesn't even look at me. His smirk grows then he walks past me. His two friends look at me before laughing and running to catch up to him.

I glare holes into the back of his head. My hatred for him grows every day. Without fail he makes my life hell, making me wish I was somewhere else. I walk up to the lunch line and as soon as I stop people start to cut in front of me.

"Man what the hell! You just cut in front of me, pal!" They ignore me and talk to one another. I brush it off still a bit peeved at the people. I sit there tapping my feet waiting for the line until more people cut in front of me. A group of girls this time. "Um excuse me?"

"Your excused." The blonde one says flipping her hair and laughing along with the rest of them. Man, what the fuck is going on here? I look around and I see Hayden standing there staring at me with an amused look. I should have known this was his doing. He starts to laugh when more people cut in front of me. I start to glare at him and he blows me a kiss which I make a face of disgust in return. He then smirks, leaving to go sit down.

Finally after it seemed like forever I got to the serving area. I get my food and realize I'm the last person to get food. I let out a breathe of irritation and start to walk towards the lunch tables. As I exit the lunch room I feel someone push me making me fall to the ground. My food spills and I land directly in my spaghetti. As I pick myself up I feel ice cold liquid getting poured on my head. I see the white liquid running down my hair. I hear the whole cafeteria laughing. I get up and turn around to see Hayden filming me with his phone in his tight hand and the carton of milk on his left.

"You look to dry let's add some more milk shall we." Before I could move he thrusts his hand forward splashing more milk in my face and down the front of my body. I slowly open my eyes and spit the milk out of my mouth.

My anger floods my body and I don't even think about my actions before it's too late. I swat the camera out of his hands and throw it against the brick wall. I then punch him in the throat and knee him in the balls. After I see him on the floor tooling in pain I look around the room. Everyone was in shock, some of them were whispering to their friends and then out of the corner of my eye I saw movement. I turn around and Dustin and Trey are heading towards me. I panic and start to run but slip on the mess of spaghetti and milk landing on my side. I hear something crack and waves of pain course through my body. My head is pounding and my ribs are on fire.

I can't breathe, I can't breathe! I gasp for air as I hold my chest in pain. The world around me becomes a blur. Two figures appear over me looking down at me.

"Well shit she's hurt." I hear Dustin say as he leans down

"Got what was coming to the bitch, I say." Trey shrugs.

"Is she ok. Move out of the way! Jade are you ok?!" I see another figure trying to get to me. I recognize the voice but I couldn't tell you who it was. My eyes flutter shut and the world goes black.

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