3. Can't Get Any Worse..... Oh Yes it Can

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"Please.... please get out." I whisper.

"Hmm what was that?" He questions coming closer to me.

"Please get out or at least let me leave so I can get dressed." I plead hoping he lets me out of this embarrassing and uncomfortable situation.

"Fine," He scoffs "but before you go bend over and get the towel." A smirk begins to spread across his lips.

"Are you serious?" I ask disbelief lacing my words.

"Dead serious now do it!" He grits his teeth.

I hesitate before bending over, before I got half way he stops be. "What are you doing? Turn around then bend over!" He rolls his eyes and makes a circle motion with his index finger. I swallow nervously as I turn around. I slowly bend down and grab my towel standing up quickly. "Tsk, you're no fun." He says crossing his arms. "Get out of here so I can get ready." He says shooing me with his hands. I quickly gather my clothes and run back to my room slamming the door behind me. I place my back against the door and slowly slide down it until I'm on the floor.

'What in the actual fuck just happened?!' I think to myself as I run my hands through my wet hair. I think about it for a bit deciding that was just another one of his games that he likes to play. I finish getting ready and hurry to my car. I don't bother getting breakfast because I would have to deal with Hayden again. I start my car and drive off blasting music until I get to the school. I park in my usual spot and sit there for about 10 minutes listening to music. I finally build up the courage to get out of the car and start to make my way to the school. Just the sight of the school makes me nervous for the new and final year of torture.

'Here goes nothing' I think as I walk into the school. Entering the school I pull my new schedule up on my phone and start heading towards my first class. I keep my head down and avoid eye contact with everyone in hopes they leave me alone. Only a couple of steps away from my first class and I feel relieved that no one has acknowledged me.

"Hey little sis, fancy seeing you here." Hayden whispers over my shoulder making me stop dead in my tracks.

I spin around to be face to face with him and he is standing inches away from me. "Um hi?" I take a step back. He immediately takes a step forward getting even closer.

"You know after this morning I can't stop thinking of those perky boobs of yours." He smirks licking his lips, looking at my chest.

"What the fuck?! Dude what is wrong with you today?" I whisper yell at him feeling super uncomfortable.

"Oh come on, I know that you liked me staring at you. I mean come on I'm probably the first person to see you naked. Am I right?" He lifts up his hand to touch me face but I pull away and walk into my first class.

I look at the seating charts and almost shit my pants. I am in the same class as Hayden. To make it even worse the teacher put me right next to my demon stepbrother. I wanted to cry and scream, my emotions were already off balance today and this almost put them over the edge. Why did this have to happen to me. I already have to deal with him all day when I get home so why does the universe hate me so much. This year is already off to a great start. Kill me now...

My sadistic step brotherWhere stories live. Discover now