21. Party

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Saturday came around quickly. Whiskey kept reminding me of the party to make sure that I was still going. I had half a mind to not go. I had a feeling that I should just stay home and have my own little horror movie night, but I promised Whiskey I would go. What's the worst that could happen right?

At the moment I was observing myself in the mirror, I can't believe I'm going to a party. Why did I have to agree?

Whiskey and I spent the afternoon going through outfits that I should wear. Hours of him saying no to all of my outfits until he finally let me wear an outfit that we could both agree on. A black turtle neck, long-sleeved shirt with a black and white plaid skirt. I wore black leggings underneath with black heels that cut off just beneath my knees.

Whiskey also convinced me to wear some makeup. Something I haven't worn in years. It would always end up in a mess due to Hayden, so I stopped wearing it. My smoky eyes looked back at me through the mirror. I let out another sigh before I walk out of the bathroom to an impatient Whiskey. I take a few steps out of the bathroom before I hear him gasp.

"You look amazing Jade."

"Thanks." I blush looking down at the ground, running my fingers along the bottom of my skirt.

"Let's go." He stands up, fixing the collar to his black buttoned-up shirt with his black painted nails. His top two buttons are undone showing off part of his chest and his black pants were well fitted to his slim figure. He wore his black matte boots and his pitch-black hair was messily done; which on him was so fucking hot.

I shake the thought from my head as I respond, "Ready as I'll ever be." I follow him out of my room and to the the door where he grabs his keys. He locks up the apartment and we make our way to his 1971 Dodge Charger. He had been saving up for this car since he turned 13 and he had just bought it. Seeing his face light up every time he sees his dream car makes me happy.

I hesitate before opening the door. Plopped into the front seat I close the door with a sigh.

"It will be fun don't worry." He gives me a reassuring smile.

I smile to myself as I look out of the window. The car roars to life, humming its sweet music as Whiskey shifts it into reverse. My mind starts racing as thoughts run through my mind of all the things that could go wrong tonight. Whiskey seems to notice the tension growing in me, so he puts on some music which helps to calm my nerves.

I nod my head to the rhythm of Panic Room by Au/Ra. The lyrics flow through my ears as I watch the world pass by, slowly getting closer and closer to our destination. Turning down streets I never go anymore, fearing that I would run into the people that love to feed off of my pain. Now I am here and I have no way to get out. I am trapped because of a promise that I made out of stupidity and love for my dear friend. The car slows down making me look around at our surroundings. Cars flood the streets leading to Ashley's gigantic house. Whiskey parks his car behind the other various cars and trucks leading the way to her home. The soothing music stops as the engine of the car dies off.

"Ok, let's get this show on the road shall we?" Whiskey shoves his keys into his front pocket and opens his door, stepping out into the brisk night air.

I follow his lead, shivering a bit when the air hits my pale skin. Shutting the door, I keep my hand on the car before leaving the security of the black mass of metal. I join Whiskey as he waits on the sidewalk for me. We start to walk towards the student filled house. The music emanates louder and louder as we get closer. My anxiety builds with every step I take. As we near the house Whiskey pats my back to calm me down a bit.

"Just stick by me and you'll enjoy fine," he smiles towards me. "Ok?"

"Ok." I smile back at him. "Thanks."

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