18. Get Me Out

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The burning sensation in my neck aches as I try to swallow as I wake up. I groan, putting a hand up to the sensitive skin. I notice that I am in my own room, my blankets covering my body. I slowly sit up and sit against the headboard of my bed. I lick my dry lips and try to swallow again, the pain shoots through my neck causing me to yelp. I get up and walk to my door, out of the corner of my eye I see my reflection. I take a look and my eyes widen in shock.

A handprint is clearly visible on my neck, showing the violence acts that happened today. Or was it today? How long have I been asleep for?

The ringing of my phone brings my attention to my night table. I rush to answer it.

"Hello?" I rasp out as the pain in my neck makes it hard to talk.

"Jade? What happened to you? You haven't been answering my texts or calls. We were supposed to hang out like 2 hours ago." He sounds worried and a bit upset.

"Um I uh... I post track of time. Can you come pick me up? We can still hang out if you'd like."

"Yeah sure. I'm on my way."

"See you then." I end the call. I go to the mirror again, looking at the bruises before booking it to the bathroom so no one could see my newly made marks.

I try my best to cover up the marks with some liquid foundation. When it looks all covered I walk down stairs to get a drink. The refreshing cold water soothes my dry and pain filled throat. I fill my glass again and start to sip on it as I look at social media.

"Hey honey." My mothers voice startles me, making me spill some of my water on the counter.

"Jesus Christ! You scared the shit out of me mother." I let out a sigh bringing my hand up to me chest.

She laughs shaking her head. "So where have you been all day?"

"I uh took a well needed nap." I chuckle and turn my attention back to my phone.

"You've been slee-" The door bell ringing cuts her off.

I hop of the stool and walk towards the door.

"Who's that?"

"Probably Whiskey. We are hanging out today."

I open the door and sure enough, Whiskey I standing out side with his hands in his pockets. When he sees me his face lights up into a smile, which I return.

"Ready to go?" He asks rocking on his heels.

"I was born ready." I mumble out. "I'll be back mom."

"Ok see you later."

I close the door and rush to his car, hoping in and shutting the door.

Whiskey enters the door pausing to look at me. His curios gaze observes me. "What's the rush?"

"Just want to get out of here." I blurt out.

"What did he do this time." His anger can be heard in his voice as he pulls out of the drive way.

"I can't tell you..."

"Yes you can you're just choosing not to." He huffs looking at the road. "Is it that bad?"

"Well.... I don't know yeah but it's not the worst, sadly." I look outside to see the gloomy clouds covering the sky, threatening to spill the water within.

"I swear to fucking god I will make him pay for all the things he does to you!" He hits the wheel in frustration making me jump. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." He apologizes immediately.

"It's fine I'm just a little jumpy lately, I don't know why." That's a lie and a half.

"You know damn well why you are. It's because of that low life prick. I need to get you out of there. Would you like to move next week? That when I have my next day of."

"Yes please, I don't think I can handle living there anymore. Hayden confuses me so much. One day he won't even acknowledge me then the next his focus will be directed only on me. Those are the worst days. He's either super violent or he tries to get in my paints. I think.... I uh, I mean... I think he means to take me, even if he has to force me into giving it up." I start to whisper the last parts.

"I won't let him do that. You will be moved in before he can even go that far. Next week is just around the corner. I have Monday off so we can move you in then."

"Thank you so much. I can't even thank you enough for helping me out." I sob out, tears run down my face as I cry.

"Hey hey, it all alright." He pulls into the parking lot of a park. He rubs his hand on my back, trying to calm me down.

"You know, this time he took it farther than he had before." I sob, shaking as the tears come out.

"What do you mean? What did he do?" He grits his teeth looking down at he's clenched fist.

"He... he choked me out because I kept refusing that I was his." My voice was barely heard over my cries. "He kept saying that I was his and I told him that I was no one's property then he choked me out. I woke up in my room with soar throat and a bruise around my neck." I lift up my hand to my neck rubbing it slightly. "It took me awhile to cover it up but I managed to make it disappear." I lean into him as more tears come out. He lets me sob into his shoulder as he rubs my back. He squeezes me into a hug.

"I promise you that I will take you away form him." He whispers into my ear, rubbing my head.


Jade is opening up to Whiskey now. Do you guys think that Whiskey and Jade will get together? Let me know what you guys think!

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote.

Much love,

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