13. Stitches

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"Follow my finger with your eyes, do not move your head at all." The nurse holds up her finger up and moves it side to side which I follow. "Now look straight at me." She shines a light to check to see if my pupils were dilating properly. "Well good news," she smiles at me, "you don't have a concussion. But your head will be in pain for awhile. I would call your parents to get some medicine." She pats my shoulder. "Now on to the question." She pauses, "How did this happen?"

"I slipped in the hallway and hit my head." I lie looking at my feet.

"No I'll tell you what happened! I am willing to bet it was him, that prick did something to her!" He seethes in anger at my stepbrother.

"Language!" She quips. "And who are you talking about?" She asks with a curios tone.

"He doesn't know what he's talking about." I look at him with a plain face. "I slipped while trying to get a drink. There was a puddle of water in front of the drinking fountain and that's where I slipped." I fumble with my hands glancing up at the nurse.

"Ok I believe you" her face says everything but belief.

"Now let me look at your head again." She walks behind me before carefully moving my hair to look at my wound. "You will need to go in to get stitches. Um was it Jackson?." She looks at him and he nods. "Do you have a car?" Another nod. "Ok well can you take her to the hospital, she needs stitches."

"Yeah I can do that."

"Ok great. I will contact your parents and tell them you are heading to the hospital to get stitches." She says turning and heading into her office.


"Why did you lie to the nurse?" He ask frustration evident in his voice.

"Jackson you don't know Hayden like I do. He gets out of things so easily. Everyone here praises him and thinks he can do no wrong. My mother and his father are so oblivious to what goes on and they don't acknowledge them. He doesn't act mean around the parents but when they are away he is the devil." I look out the window watching the world pass by. "If I did tell," I look over at Jackson, "he would make my life even worse. He doesn't do things like this all the time, only when I talk back or have an attitude."

Silence filled the car. The air around us felt thick with tension.

"I am so sorry to hear that..." he says looking at the road. "You know, I might not know you very well, but you can come to me for help. I will help you and I will try to protect you as best as I can." He gives me a smile that lifts my heart a bit.

"Are you sure about this?" He nods his head. "Because I don't want them going after you. I have no idea what they would do to you." I say with sadness in my voice.

"I will be fine I promise. I know how to fight. And you say they, who are they?"

"Hayden and his two friends, Trey and Dustin. Trey is a violent person but Dustin doesn't get physical unless he has to. They are the main people that bully me. Others just stick to there words and tell me how worthless I am."

"I'm sorry that you have to go through that, I know how it feels to get bullied. Although, I didn't get bullied this bad though." He lets out a sigh. "This honestly pisses me off." He says through gritted teeth, his knuckles turn white from gripping the steering wheel. "You don't deserve this, no one deserves this." He pulls inside of the hospital parking lot and parks. He turns and looks at me with a serious face, "I will help you out with this, I will make them stop even if they beat me up."

"No Jackson, I can't let you do that. I don't want you to do this out of pity." I look down at my hands.

"I'm not doing it out of pity. I want to do this. When I saw you in the parking lot you know what I saw?" I shake my head. "I saw a beautiful young woman that I want to get to know. And now that I am getting to know you I want to be by your side and I want to make your life better, the way it should be."

"Why would you do this for me? I'm just some random girl." I mumble.

"I like to help people. Jade, you are in a bad place, and quite frankly I don't see that anyone is helping you. This is your senior year right?"


"Well I want to make your senior year spectacular." He smile at me, dimples showing. This makes me truly happy that someone is willing who help me when they just met me.

"Now let's go get stitches into that pretty head of yours." He grins getting out of the car. He waits for me and walks by my side into the hospital.

I walk into the hospital and see my mom all dressed in her nurse scrubs pacing the lobby. When she see me she rushes to me.

"Honey are you ok? How did this happen." She grabs my shoulders and pulls me into a hug. She pulls away and looks up to Jackson. "Who is this?"

"Hello my name is Jackson." He greets her extending his hand for her to shake.

She hesitantly takes his hand and gives him a smile.

"He's new at the school." My explanation makes my mom nod.

"Well thanks for taking her here."

"Yeah it's no problem." He smiles brightly.

"Well let's go get you stitches then you are explaining what happened to me." She looks back to me and pulls me towards the doctors room.

"Can Jackson come?" I ask in a hurry before we get past the doors.

She stops, thinking for a moment. "Sure, hurry."

"Jackson." His gaze points at me and I motion for him to follow. He starts to jog towards us and follows us in.

How is everyone? Hope your guys day have been wonderful. What do you guys think? Will Jade end up falling for our dear Jackson or does Hayden have to much of a hold on her? Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!

Much love,

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