25. The Final Chapter

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"Jade wake up! Jade! You've got to wake up!" Whiskeys voice flows into my ears as my eyes flutter open. I gasp when I'm fully awake, realizing that I'm no longer in the nightmare. The events that happened came to me every night for 3 years straight. Now it's been 10 years since the event and I still have the nightmares but not as often. Even going through counseling hasn't helped stop the events from coming back to me at night or through triggers.

Tears lace my cheeks as that night plays through my mind. Whiskey wraps his arms around me, bringing me to his chest.

"Babe it's alright, he's never going to touch you again. He will never roam free again." He pushes me slightly away from him, grabbing my face in his warm hands. He looks me in the eyes and says, "And if he does get out I will protect you, I will go to jail for killing the bastard before he ever gets to you again."

I smile at his words. So protective and I love that. I love this man. If it wasn't for him, I would have died in that tub. He had broken into the bathroom the second he got home because of what Hayden had told him. He had called the ambulance before he left Ashley's house and they showed up shortly after he had gotten there. He made sure to stop the bleeding and to keep me awake. Saving me from deaths grip.

It was a very close call. I was in critical condition for 2 days. They finally got me stabilized and I woke up 4 days later. All while this was happening Hayden, Trey, Dustin, and Ashley had been arrested. They took a rape kit and convicted Hayden of rape, assault, and sexual harassment. He plead guilty and he got 28 years in prison. Trey, Dustin, and Ashley had got 4 years in prison. They were released 6 years ago and I haven't heard from them since. All I know is that Trey got into more trouble and has been in and out of prison over the course of 10 years. He was bound to go sooner or later with the way he acted in high school. They way he wanted to see me bleeding and hurt. He feasted on people's weakness and suffering.

After everything went down, I graduated with straight A's and went to college for animation. Whiskey went to college with me and soon we became a couple. Our love grew over the course of college then we got married a year after we graduated. We started our lives together in California. I went to the work at Pixar Animation Studio while Whiskey worked as a doctor at the Trauma Center: UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital. While he saves children I help to bring them happiness through the animation we produce at the Studio.

After a year of being together we decided to have kids. I got pregnant with twins. Two beautiful twin baby girls. We bought a 4 bedroom house, with a pool and hot tub. We had made the 4th room into a movie room. After everything I went through I pushed past the darkness and found love. I found happiness. It took a while to crawl out of my depression. But I had the help of Whiskey who had put me through counseling and helped me every step of the way. Holding me through the tears and the nightmares. He saved me in every way possible. He stood by my side through the worst and is here for the best times of my life.

I will always hold the scars that Hayden had left. The deep scars that once covered my arms and legs were hidden by tattoos that made the scars beautiful. Made them a thing of the past. Nothing but a trial that I had overcome with a twist of fate.

My days of suffering are far behind me. The future holds promise of true happiness. Nothing will stop me from living the best life I could possibly have.

Hello my dear readers! After several months of writing this story I am finally happy to say it is finished.

I hope you guys are very happy with the outcome of the story. Just be lucky I didn't write it the way I was originally planning to. She was supposed to die that night and Hayden was still going to go to jail. But u guys put another idea in my head with ur comments.

Tell me what you guys think!!! And of course don't forget to vote!!!

Much love,


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