5. Hospital Beds

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Authors note: sorry that I haven't posting that much lately, I haven't had WiFi at my house for awhile.

My ribs hurt, breathing hurts worse and my head is killing me. I feel warm and I feel like I'm in a very comfortable bed. I open my eyes slowly open getting blinded by bright ass lights. My eyes adjust and I look around realizing I'm in a hospital room. An IV is attached to my arm along with some other wires. I look around and notice Hayden sitting in a chair sleeping, my mother has her head on the bed. Kit was next to her rubbing her back and looking at the ceiling.

"W-what happened?" My voice is raspy and can be barely heard.

Kit immediately looks at me shaking my mom. She lift her head to look at him, he nods towards me and she glances at me. A wave of relief washes over her face as she rushes towards me. Squeezing me in a hug I yell out in pain.

"So sorry dear, I'm just happy to see you awake and well." She smiles, a tear escapes her eye.

"Well I am alive and well." I chuckle. "So what happened?" I ask, my mind was still fuzzy and I couldn't remember what had happened.

"You fell at school hit your head and cracked your ribs." Hayden yawns out an explanation.

"Oh yeah I remember now. Your the asshole that started the whole thing!" I yell grasping my side in pain. Anger builds up as I remember the whole situation.

"What are you talking about dear?" My mother questions grabbing my attention.

"Oh don't you know? Well let me tell you, he pushed me in the cafeteria making me spill my food on the ground. As I got up he poured his milk all over me. I got mad snatched his phone out of his hands threw it at the wall the punched him in the throat then kicked him in the dick." I grit my teeth as I look at him. "Then his friends started to walk towards me and I panicked. I went to run, slipping on the mess he made, pain shooting through my side and me gasping for air is the last thing I can remember." I say rubbing my face and letting out a sigh. I look at Hayden and he was looking at the ground.

"What is wrong with you!" My mother yells standing up. "Why would you do such a thing to your sister?!"

"She is not my sister!" He yells back. "And I didn't know that she was going to get hurt." He whispers shrugging and looks out of the window.

"That is no reason to treat her in such a way. You will make this up to her. You are going to help her get around-"

"Mom that's not necessary. I can still walk it's not like I've lost a limb." I chuckle shaking my head.

"No I agree with your mother. He will be helping you. The doctor said that you can't be carrying anything heavy so Hayden will help you carry you backpack for you." Kit looks at his son with his arms crossed.

"B-but dad!" He stutters.

"No buts! You will do this or else you won't like the outcome." Hayden scoffs and leaves the room in anger.

Well, this is going to be a great recovery. I think rolling my eyes.

How are you guys liking the story so far? Let me know what you guys think! I would love to hear your guy's opinions and thoughts on what I should do.

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