7. The Locker Room

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The line to get the uniforms and the locks took awhile. I was the last girl to get her lock and uniform. I wrote down my name and lock number and went into the locker room. I was the only one there and it was quite. I looked around at the lockers deciding where I wanted my locker to be. I finally decided on locker 2308 and opened it. I hear the locker room open and don't bother to check who it is. I put my uniform inside the locker and lock it up. I turn around and Hayden is standing right in front of me. I jump, screaming in fear when he suddenly covers my mouth with his hand.

"Jesus Christ Jade don't scream." He looks around the room. "You good now?" I nod and he slowly removes his hand from my mouth. He rubs his thumb over my bottom lip before taking his hand away.

"Um can I help you? What the hell are you doing here?"

" I came to talk to you." He shrugs his shoulders and looks around.

"And what are you wanting to talk to me about?" I shake my head in confusion.

"Well.." he rubs the back of his neck. "I just want to say that I'm sorry for what happened at lunch the other day." He looks at his feet and starts rocking on his heels.

"Wow, I never thought I'd hear those words come out of that rotten mouth of yours." I put on a fake smile when he glares at me. "Well if that's it I'm going to leave now."

I turn around to leave when he grabs my arm. "Wait!" I turn around and he pins me against the lockers. My breath hitches when I feel his body get closer to me. I can feel his uneven breath hitting my neck. I let out a small moan when his lips brush the crook of my neck. He brings his face back to look at me, biting his bottom lip then he looks at my lips, his face inches closer. I close the gap and press my lips to his. His lips are soft and plump, tasting like the strawberries that he ate this morning. Our lips move in synchronized motions.

He wraps his arms around me bringing me closer to his body, I let out a small moan when he grinds against me. My hand runs through his soft, silky hair pulling on it lightly. A groan escapes his lips as I pull on his bottom lip with my teeth. His hands slide down to my butt and I jump when he squeezes, pulling me even closer. His tongue slides along my lips demanding entrance which I deny. I gasp is let out when one of his hands reaches my boob and he takes this opportunity to explore my mouth with his tongue. His hands starts to travel down my stomachs and towards my warmth, it's then I register what he is trying to do.

I push away from and sit down trying to analyze what had happened.

"Wow." I run my hand through my long hair black hair. I stare at the ground not looking at Hayden.

"Jade," I look up at him. "Don't tell anyone about this ok?" I let out a sigh of disappointment. I stand up to leave but he stops me. "Jade I don't hate you, well not anymore. I still dislike you but then there is this side of me that really wants to fuck you. You confuse the living hell out of me."

I scoff "Me? I'm the confusing one? You act all nice and sweet around the parents then you act like a total ass when they aren't around. Then you suddenly act as if you care." I walk closer to him poking him in the chest. "You have treated me like shit ever since you have met me, and I didn't do anything to you! And now you're trying to apologize for what happened? You don't get to be forgiven by me until you prove that you're actually sorry. And god! I can't believe YOU of ALL people, took my first kiss!" I yell in his face. I grab my side in pain as I huff and turn to leave again. I exit the room and stomp back up to the classroom to grab my backpack. The class had gotten out like 5 minutes ago.

I enter the classroom and the teacher looks up. "And where were you Ms. Smith?"

"I had troubles with the lock." I
Lie and grab my backpack and Hayden's. I walk out and see him coming down the hallway with his hands in his pocket. I drop his bag and he looks up at me. He runs towards me and I turn to go to the cafeteria.

"Wait Jade let me carry your backpack. Your mother said you're not supposed to be carrying anything heavy." He grabs his bag and rushes to me.

"I'm fine!" The pain in my side hurts from the weight of the bag. I feel the bag getting pulled off of my shoulder. I turn to see Hayden holding it in his hands. I roll my eyes at him and he chuckles.

Lunch was actually peaceful for once, no one tried to spill my food or bully me. Hayden sits besides, me with Dustin sitting across from us. Trey sat at the table where the football players usually sit. He glared at me the whole lunch hour. After lunch, Hayden followed me to my 5th hour to drop off my stuff.

"I didn't know you liked woodwork." He says placing my bag by my desk.

"Yeah, I decided it would be a fun class to take for my senior year." The class was empty all except for us. He steps closer to me acting as though he's going to kiss me again. I turn away and he kisses my cheek. "I'm still mad at you. Don't think the kiss before changes anything." I look at him with a blank face. "Just because you kissed me once doesn't mean you get to kiss me again or whenever you feel like it. It doesn't change the fact that I still hate your guts because you made my life a fucking hell hole. Now get out of my face.." I cross my arms and glare at him.

"Just because I'm being nicer to you doesn't change the fact that you can't talk to me that way." He steps closer grabbing my face. "I am the one that's in charge. Even if I have to help you because of your injury. I am the dominant person in any relationship."

My eyes widen. "Excuse me? We," I point between him and me. "don't have any relationship. There will be no relationship between us other than the fact we are STEP siblings, that's it."

"You are mine. Whether you like it or not, I have claimed you. You will change your mind and behave the part," He steps closer to whisper in my ear. "even if I have to force you." Chills run down my spine and goosebumps form on my arms. He smirks and leaves me alone in the room. I shouldn't have told him he was my first kiss, now he knows that I'm a virgin and he will try anything to get into my pants. He loves chasing virgins for whatever reason.

Well, this is going to be a new kind of torture. When did he start to get all hot and bothered by me? Then it clicked, everything started to change on the first day of school. He saw me half-naked in the bathroom and then he was the one that rushed to my side when I slipped and broke my ribs.

My sadistic step brotherWhere stories live. Discover now