22. Flower pt.1

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Warning!!!!! Very violent and graphic events will take place in this chapter. There will be some very triggering content so read with cation!!!!! 18+ chapter

Hayden's smirk grows into a wicked smile, his piercing blue eyes are full of fire as he stares back at me.

"Well, well, well, what have we here? Thank you so much for delivering me my favorite toy."

Ashley nods before opening the door, "I'll make sure no one comes up here. Oh, and as you requested, I'll also turn the music up so they won't hear her." And with that she left without another word.

To think I believed that she was being genuine. I let myself be deceived once again. How much of a fool can one person be?

"Now then shall we get started?" Treys voice is low, filled with hate and disgust as he looks at me. He green eyes grow dark as he takes a step forward. Hayden's arm stops him from moving any further.

"Trey, I told you that you will have your turn after me." Hayden smiles at me. Moving closer as I back away. I turn to go for the door when I feel his hand wrap around my hair. He yanks me to his body and whispers in my ear, "Now why are you trying to leave so soon? The fun is just about to start." He drags me by my hair to the empty bed and throws me onto it.  I turn over and start to crawl away when I feel his hands wrap tightly around my ankles.

I yelp in pain and struggle under his grip. "Stop!" He pulls me towards him and flips me over, crawling on top of me. I try to push him off but he grabs my hands, securing them above my head.

"Hayden please stop!!" I cry. My eyes start to water and my lip quivers in fear. "Hayden stop!" I yell.


The stinging pain quickly spreads through my face. My vision falters as more tears pour out.

He grabs my sore face, bringing his lips to my ear. "Shut the fuck up Jade! This is far from over. We have a lot of plans for you tonight." I cry out in pain as he bites down on my ear lobe. Warm blood from my new wound trickles down my neck. "I hate you Jade. I really fucking hate you." His hand wraps around my neck. "Please do us all a favor, disappear from the world." He starts to laugh hysterically as he watches me struggle in his grip. "In other words Jade, go fucking kill yourself."

The grip on my neck slowly gets tighter and tighter. My vision starts to get blurry as the lack of oxygen becomes unbearable. "If you keep it up with that grip, you're going to kill her yourself." Dustin jokes.

His hand releases me and I start to choke for air. My hands shoot to my throat. Loud gasps are the only thing audible in the room. "Please let me go! I'll do anything, Hayden please!" My voice comes out raspy and strained.

He chuckles at my response. "Oh honey, if you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention." He lightly slaps my already sore cheek making me flinch. "You're gonna give me what I want now, and I know you sure in the fuck won't like it, but I will enjoy every second of it." He traces my chapped lips with his thumb, "I will feed of of your screams, your agony, and your fear. It will only fuel me, so please continue to beg, continue to cry and squirm." He lifts up his arm to Trey, demanding something from him. He places a pair of handcuffs into his palm. Hayden places on around my wrist. He gets off of me and yanks the cuffs up towards the headboard. I try to pull away, my punishment is a swift punch to the gut. I cry, coughing in pain.

He wraps the chain around one of the wooden bars on the headboard and laches my other wrist in the empty cuff. I pull at the handcuffs, the metal clinks against the wood and I can't get out. Now I have no possible escape from this. If not for me drinking I would have been a better match for them. I could have possibly fought back enough to get out. But now, I am dizzy from the drinks, dizzy from the pain and dizzy from the nausea that is kicking in.

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