20. The Invitation

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Trigger Warning! This chapter has some self harm content in it. Oh and sorry if there are any errors, I'm too lazy and tired to read through the chapter rn. Enjoy!

A month has went by after moving in with Whiskey. Everything around me started to change. Although life at home was amazing and peaceful, school was an entirely different story. Hayden became more persistent in his onslaught of bullying. Every chance he got he would punish me for leaving. Being at school meant that he couldn't sexually abuse me anymore, but he will not leave me alone. Whiskey got in a fight with him to stop his rein of terror on me but he got into trouble, getting himself suspended for a couple of days. It left me with no defense, Hayden is worse than before. I really pissed him off this time.

I have no idea what I am supposed to do about it either. The only one who is helping me can't protect me all the time. I ignore him the best that I can and that's all I can do.

Today was especially rough because, being the last day Whiskey is suspended from school. Hayden kept me from doing my work. He took one of my work sheets and tore it in half then handed it back all crumpled. During lunch I spent the hour crying in the bathroom. I really wish I was home right about now, I wish I could hide away from everyone. I am as useless as Hayden says I am. The urge for pain was overbearing. I needed my blades, I wanted them so desperately. I shake my head to clear the thoughts.

No no no! Jade you haven't cut in over 5 months, you can't start doing that again. I roll up my sleeves observing my pink scars that cover my skin. My thumb lightly rubbing the damaged surface. My bad habit left scars that masked my body. I left no part unscathed; my legs, arms, stomach, and I had some on parts of my back that I could reach. I always had the scars hidden from prying eyes to avoid unwanted attention. The scars on my arms were shallow and wouldn't draw as much attention as the other scars that lace my legs and stomach. I can't count how many cuts I had to sew shut because of how deep I had gone. I stopped cutting all together after one night. 5 months ago I went too far, I thought I was going to die honestly. Blood kept gushing from the large gash in my leg. I kept rolls of paper towels in my room for my self afflicted wounds but this one I used half a roll to stop the bleeding. After the event I decided enough was enough, I needed to stop before I inflict an even deeper wound that would kill me.

Thinking about that night made the tears pour out of my eyes. I can't believe that I would think about doing it again after that panic filled night. Even though I vowed not to cut again, I still had the blood soaked blades hidden away in a tiny box. I had no clue as to why I kept them, I just couldn't bring myself to discard them. I grip my arm tightly as I dig my fingers into the flesh. Crying in sweet relief as the pain surges through my skin. I bit my lip and remove my hand internally cursing myself for reverting back to inflicting pain on myself. As if I hadn't gone through enough pain everyday.

*DING* *DING* *DING* The sound of the bell startles me. I wipe away my tears, picking myself off of the floor. I gather my belongings and walk to the mirror, observing my puffy eyes and red cheeks. I turn on the cold water and splash my face with the refreshing liquid. I dry my face taking a deep breath, letting it out before heading to my final period.

As I enter the room the teacher clears his throat, "Jade come here." I raise my eyebrows slowly making my way towards him. When I reach his desk he extends his hand revealing two envelopes in his grasp. "I was told to give these to you. One of them is apparently for Jackson," he directs his attention back to his computer and mumbles, "whoever that might be..."

I make my way back to my desk with a confused expression. Jackson's and my name were written separately on the front of the envelopes. Whatever they were they would have to wait until I had time to spare, for now I had a table to work on.


After 5th hour had ended I hurry home with curiosity in my mind of what could be in the envelopes. Entering the small apartment I call for Whiskey.

"In here!" His voice emanates from the living room area. Taking off my shoes I place then on the shoe rack and walk to the living room. Once I see him sitting down watching Tv I remove my backpack and take out the curious envelopes. I hand him the one with his name on it and hold mine tightly.

"What's this?" He questions pausing his movie.

"I honestly have no clue. My teacher for my 5th hour gave them to me saying someone had left them for us." I look at the white paper casing again, sliding my finger over my name. "Well we won't know what it is unless we open it." I tear the envelope open and remove a card.

My face contorts in utter confusion as I see You're Invited!! I look at Whiskey to see his reaction. He looks amused as he reads the inside of the card. I open it up and start to read the contents.

Hello fellow student! You have been invited to Ashley's annual school party Saturday night at 8 p.m.! Come join us in a fun night of booze and music! All are welcome!
The one and only Ashley Martel!

"That's odd." I bite my lip looking at Whiskey.


"Well," I shake my head in disbelief, "first of all I didn't even think Ashley knew I existed." I pause emphasizing I. "And secondly she only invites the popular kids to her parties. There must be a mistake." I toss the card on the couch and start laughing hysterically. "I am definitely not going." I plop down on the couch with a sigh.

"Aw why not? I am going to go. Join me." He extends his hand out to me.

I raise my eye questioningly, "You're going?"

"Most definitely and I want you to come with me."

"I don't go to parties." I roll my eyes and look at the screen.

"Well you do now." I whip my head around to look at his amused face. "Oh come on, it will be fun, I promise." He laughs poking at my side.

"Uuuugh! Fine I'll go." I roll my eyes again, laughing when he pumps his fists in the air in victory.

Man lucky them! I never got invited to no damn parties in High School. I guess I wasn't good enough for the fake ass bitches in my school😂😂

Hello everyone! I am sooooo sorry for such a long wait for the new chapter. With Christmas and the New Year it's been all sorts of hectic. I wanted to work on my story, and I also knew what I would do this chapter, but I kept putting it off because I didn't know how I would actually write it XD. Now here's the new chapter like a month later. Hope you guys enjoy! Don't forget to vote! Oh and let me know what you guys think!

Much love,

My sadistic step brotherWhere stories live. Discover now