23. Flower pt. 2

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Warning!!!! This chapter continues the horrible scenes from the last chapter.

"Please don't do this!" I can't help but to hiccup.

"Jade, there is no use for you to plead for this to stop. It will happen no matter what you say." He pulls down his tight boxers. The large members springs up, slapping his stomach.

Oh god someone please save me. I repeat over and over again as he strokes himself. He spits on his hand; rubbing the saliva on his throbbing cock. I squeeze my eyes shut. The bed shifts making my eyes shoot open again. He his now over top of me. Holding himself up with his left arm while he positions himself at my entrance with his right.

"Don't worry babe," he whispers in my ear, "I know the first little bit will hurt like hell. So I will be gentle for the first few thrusts." And with that he starts to push forward.

Pain shoots through my body. I let out a pain filled scream as he pushes his length into me; not stopping to let my body adjust to his size at all. My body quakes in pain. It fills like my insides are being torn apart.

He pauses before pulling back, slamming himself back in. "Aaggh!" The pain induced scream slips past my lips.

The pain continues with every hard thrust. More tears spew from my swollen eyes. I lay there hopeless as he ruthlessly pounds into my soar region. The fast pace doesn't cease. It fills like an eternity before he stops his movements. He pulls out of me, grabbing my hips and flipping me over. My arms are positioned awkwardly as I lay on my stomach. He gets on top of me once again; lining himself up again, thrusting back in.

Whimpers, grunts, flesh slapping flesh and the faint sound of music are all that can be heard. I look to my right, and I see Trey sitting in a chair, watching intently as I am being raped. He seems to be enjoying the scene playing out before him. In his hands are the same red scissors that Hayden used to cut my bra.

He opens the scissors then shuts them with a *snap*. He meets my eyes; a sinister smirk plays at his thin lips. His pink tongue darts out, moisturizer his bottom lip.

I pry my gaze away from him and bury my face into the pillows. I cry into them as the relentless monster uses me for his pleasure.

Teeth dig into my tender neck. Mounting me as if I was his obedient little play thing and he the alpha. His thrusts become more uncoordinated and sloppy.

"I'm almost there." He pants in my ear. "I'm going to fill you up with my seed."

No no no nooo. He has no condom. I don't want to get pregnant because of him.

"Hayden no! You can't!"

He grabs a fist full of my hair, lifting my face from the tear soaked pillow. "I can and I will." He seethes into my ear. He pushes my face back into the pillow thrusting deeper into me. His pace slows down, but the hard thrusts continue, until he finally reaches his peak. Slamming back into me one last time. He shakes as he spews his white sticky substance into my core. After a moment he pulls himself out of me. Leaving my tired body laying on the bed as he finds his clothes. The worst is finally over.... well that's what I hope.

"Uncuff her." Hayden barks out the order to Trey.

Trey gets up from the chair and unlocks my cuffs. My hands fall to the pillows and I just lay there. Hayden goes to Ashley's closet and fumbles around with the expensive clothes hidden within. He pulls out a black shirt and tosses it at me. It lands on my trembling shoulder, covering some my bare skin.

"Put that on." I still lay there, not wanting to move at all. "Put the damn shirt on Jade!" His voice booms over me, making me jump.

I sit up and swiftly put the shirt over my head. As I do so I notice blood beneath me. My innocence is no more and all I'm left with is a bloody mess. Disgust overwhelms me. Vile threatens to spew from me. I choke it down as I observe the red substance that oozes from my entrance. Out of my peripheral vision, I can see the three bodies walking around, talking to one another. I pay no mind to what they are saying nor doing. All I can focus on is my blood beneath me.

I can hear the faint call of my name. I drown it out. I want to die. This is my breaking point, I have finally reached the bottom and nothing is going to save me now. I have nothing. Nothing. I can't stand this anymore. I bring my hand up to my face wiping away the remaining tears from my cheeks.

"Jade." My name is called yet again. I look up to see Hayden in front of me.

"Kill me please." Mindlessly I mutter out these pleading words.

His facial expression falters, showing shock. He smirks down at me. "Jade, Jade, Jade." He tsks, shaking his head. His dark hair falls, hiding his left eye. "Why would I do that?" He pauses, as if thinking for a moment. "If I were to do that then I wouldn't have a toy to play with anymore. I would have to find a new one, and that would take years to do. Years to train another toy." He grabs my cheeks between his thumb and pointer finger, bringing me closer. "I love having you as my toy. You are mine. Now and always you will be mine." He pushes my face away. He takes his hand through his messy hair.

"Trey," he puts his hand on Trey's shoulder. "You can have your fun now, cut that ugly mop off her head."

Welp here you guys are😬 I know, I know, y'all wanted to have her saved but like I said before this story ain't gonna be a happy story. I am sorry to do this to you guys. I promise the next story that I will write will end up being a happier story line. What should I write you guys? A romance? A smut? Hell maybe I'll write a horror story. Who knows....

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter! Don't forget to comment and vote!

Yours truly,


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