1. Meeting the New Man

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2 years ago

"Mom I'm home!" I close the door behind me. Looking around I call out again "Mom? You here?" Silence is all that follows. Maybe one day I will come home from school and actually be greeted by my mother. If only she wasn't always chasing a new guy every other week. She would spend days even weeks away from the house because of a new guy she was with. All the guys she did end up with were always abusive, narcissistic assholes. They never treat either one of us well. Some of them would hit me along with my mother, and others stuck to just hitting her. A couple of them ended up giving me black eyes or other bruises on my limbs. The worst guy she brought home was Luke.

Luke liked being around me more than my mother. He abused me more than her and he even tried to rape me a couple of times. My mother caught him both times yet she stayed with him for another week after the second incident. She's pretty fucked up I know, trust me. But she can't stand to be alone, she has to be in a relationship no matter the cost or the torture it puts us through.

Going back to the day my mom brought Kit home. After I put my school stuff up I decided to go watch some tv down stairs. I had been binge watching Orange is the New Black, and let me tell you it is amazing. In the middle of my episode I hear the door open and I hear my mothers voice and it is followed by an unfamiliar mans voice. I roll my eyes as I continue to watch my show paying no mind to the people entering the house.

"Hey honey I want you to meet someone very special." My mother's unusually cheerful voice says entering the living room.

"You said that about the last guy." I don't bother to give her my full attention as I keep my eyes on the screen.

"This one is different I promise you." She begs trying to get my attention.

"Ma you have told me that every single fucking time, I'm done with it!" I turn around pissed at my mom.

"Hey! Don't talk to your mom like that. She doesn't deserve that kind of attitude." The strange man says.

I finally look at him observing that he does in-fact look different from all the others, but I'm not buying that bullshit facade. "And who the fuck are you?" I ask standing up to face him. "Who the FUCK do you think you are?" I ask angrily crossing my arms and eyeing him up and down.

I can't lie he was very pleasing to look at. He was very handsome with very dark brown hair, sky blue eyes, muscular arms, around the height of 6'0" and very beautiful, faire skin.

"I am the man that your mother is currently dating. I don't care if u don't respect me and I don't expect you to listen to me either, but I do expect you to respect your mother even through whatever your going through." He says crossing his arms with a blank stare on his face.

I was surprised that he defended my mom. None of the other men did that. Was this some kind of trick? I bet it is and I'm not falling for it!

"You can fool my mom with this pretend defending bullshit, but I see right through you. You are just like all the rest she has brought home and kicked out in the past 10 years, Abusive.... Narcissistic.... Assholes." I say as I take a step closer with every word. I stand there for a second analyzing his facial expression which he didn't seem amused. I spun around making sure to flip my hair in his face and walk back to the couch. I turn off the tv and walk back towards him bumping into his shoulder as I pass. I quickly run up to my room and slam the door. I flop onto my bed staring at the ceiling. I can hear the muffled voices of my mother and her new    boy-toy downstairs.

"I am so sorry about her. She usually isn't like this, I have no idea what is up with her."

"She just needs time to adjust, we can't push this on her all at once. She needs to slowly get used to us being together."

"Thank you so much for being patient with me and taking the time to come over today, even if she didn't react well." I can hear her muffled giggles.

Alright that's enough of me eavesdropping. I grab my phone and headphones. I put on my headphones and turn them on. I click pandora and listen to my playlists as I slowly drift into a relaxing nap.

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