2. First Day of Senior Year

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Present day

*Beep**Beep**Beep* The annoying alarm wakes me from my blissful slumber, signaling the start of a new day. The first day of my senior year to be precise. I roll over and turn off my alarm wishing I could just sleep instead of getting up. I used to love going to school because it was a good way to get my mind focused on something other than the drama at my house, but now the drama follows me to school. Hayden bullies me at school with his friends and other people that like to join in.

Before the whole marriage thing and then getting a new demon as a stepbrother, I used to be popular. Not the most popular girl, but I was still known throughout the school. Now my name is very popular but not because people like me, no it's because I am the number one target for the jocks. The quarter back is the one that is the worst and that would be Hayden. Even though he is drop dead gorgeous, he has a very ugly personality. He looks very similar to his father but Hayden's hair is a bit lighter, his eyes are a brighter blue and he is more fit than his father.  If only his personality wasn't repulsive I would have liked to get to know him.

I rub my eyes as I slowly sit up and stretch. Oh boy oh boy what kind of untold horror will today bring. I really hope that they could find it their hearts to leave me alone this year. I mean it is all of our senior year so maybe they will let me be. Yeah who am I kidding they will probably up their game this year.

I finally get off my bed and head to my dresser that already has my clothes picked out for today. I always pick out an outfit the night before the first day of school, any other day I wouldn't give a shit. I guess it's just a tradition I've had since middle school. Today's outfit is one of my favorite Green Day shirts with a red flannel to go over it, a black pair of skinny jeans, my all time favorite black and grey game of thrones hat, and last but not least some black boots. I bring my clothes to the bathroom and take a quick shower. I hear banging on the bathroom as I am drying off.

"I'm almost done, I'm just drying off." I tell the person but the banging doesn't stop. "Dude I'm almost done give me a second!" I yell.

"Seconds up now get out!" I hear the muffled voice of Hayden.

"Can't I get dressed in peace?" Shaking my head with my hands in the air. Like what the fuck, I still need to put my clothes on.

"No you can't."

"That was a rhetorical question dipshit now leave me alone!" I pull up my black panties and go to grab my bra when the banging continues. Frustrated I grab the towel and wrap it around my self and stomp over to the door. I swing it open and glare at him. "What the fuck do you want?! I'm in the middle of putting on my clothes!"

He looks at me with an amused face. "Since when do you think it's an ok thing to talk to me that way? Hmmm, maybe you need a reminder of who is in charge here." He walks towards me causing me to back up. I jump when I feel the wall behind me. "You are nothing!" He yells in my face making me flinch and turn my head to the side. I grip the towel keeping my body covered, trying to keep it from falling. "Look at me Jade!" He grabs my face roughly and forces my look at him. I flinch in pain and try to pull away. His grip tightens and I close my eyes to keep the tears from coming out. "Look at me!" He shakes as he yells at me.  My eyes open and tears fall down my cheek. "Now understand this now, just because it is senior year doesn't mean shit. You are still the dirt underneath my feet. You do NOT get to speak to me that way!" He pushes my face away from him causing me to hit the back of my head against the wall with a loud thud. I loose my balance and immediately bring my hands up to catch myself from falling.

I hear a soft thud below me and look down to see my towel has dropped to the floor. I cover my chest and look up in pure embarrassment. His eyes travel up and down my body as he licks his lips.

"Now would you look at that? Seems like you have a nice body after all." He smirks and looks at me. I immediately look away from him, feeling even more embarrassed.

My sadistic step brotherWhere stories live. Discover now