12. Headache

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I slowly pick up my things dreading to go to P.E. Ever since my side started healing enough Trey has been starting to get more physical. He had been seizing every opportunity he can take to make me hurt, even if it's little things like pushing me or pulling my hair. Hayden encourages him while Dustin just sits there and watches, commenting here and there about the things they should do to make my life more miserable.

"Hey Jade, what class do you have next?" My thoughts are by the soothing voice of Jackson.

"I, I um have P.E." The sound of dread can be heard in my tone of voice.

"Oh come on, P.E.'s not that bad." He drags out the word that as he speaks, chuckling at the end. He sees the unamused look on my face and frowns. "Now what's so bad about P.E.?" He questions furrowing his brow.

"Well the thing is I don't mind P.E., it's the people that are in the class." My bag hits my back and I start heading into the busy hallway. He fumbles with his things and runs to catch up with me.

"Well good thing I can keep you company and you can forget about those nasty people."

"You have P.E. next?"

"Yep" he pops the p.

"Well I wouldn't keep around me then, I don't want them to attack you too." I pick up the pace to reach my next class in time to change.

"Pfftt! I'm not afraid of those bozos." He smirks at me.

"Well you should be! They are relentless and they won't go easy on you. Especially if you are seen with me of all people." I huff in frustration, the last thing I want is someone to go through what I do just because they are my "friend".

"Don't worry Jade, I have thick skin." He smiles proudly brushing off his shoulder.

"Good cuz they are going to push you as far as they can. Hell they might even find you after school and beat you. Hayden doesn't like me having friends. That's why I have none, he's chased them all off." I see Hayden down the hallway talking to his friends. "I-I have to go. Just go to the classroom since you don't have a uniform yet. The class is up this hall and the last door on the left. If you want to sit by me, sit at the very back right table." I rush out before basically running to the locker rooms before he could reply.

The locker room was empty as usual. I put in the locker combination and it opens with a click. After changing I put all my thing into the locker and put the lock back on. Rushing out of the locker rooms I trip exiting the door. I luckily catch myself before I face plant.

"Wow you didn't fall this time, surprising." Hayden's mocking voice speaks in a low tone.

I don't even turn around I just start to run to class, not wanting to be late.

"Hey! Jade don't fucking run away from me." He yells before running after me catching up in an instant. He grabs my shirt and yanks me into him. He slithers his arms around my waist. I push against him squirming to get out of his grasp but he only tightens his grip.

"You know, I've been thinking."

"Lotta good that's going to do." I roll my eyes.

*Smack* the stinging pain spreads through my face. I bring my hand up to my face in shock. He pushes me against the wall with force knocking the breath out of me for a moment. I gasp for air and he grabs my face digging his fingers into my cheeks.

"You do not get to talk to me like that!" Spit lands on my face, making me close me eyes. He suddenly pushes my head against the wall making it bounce on the hard surface. Dark patches appear in my eyesight and I become a bit dizzy. "I will punish you later for misbehaving." He whispers in my ear releasing me from his grip. The bell rings through the school signaling class had started. I lean against the wall so I don't fall, my head was fuzzy and I needed a drink. The dizziness and dark patches soon vanish and I am left with a pounding headache. I push off the wall and go to the drinking fountain before going to class.

"Late!" Mr. Murray seethes as I enter the classroom.

"Sorry" I mumble sitting next to Jackson.

The teacher proceeds to explain what we are doing today. I hardly pay any attention to him speaking.

"Jade are you ok?" He looks at me with concern.

"Yeah I just have a headache." I rub my temples to ease the pain.

"I'd say you have a headache, your bleeding." He rubs a finger up my neck and shows me the blood that drips off of his fingers.

I gasp and carefully place my hand on the back of my head. I bring it in front of me and blood cakes my hand. "Oh my god." I looks around the room as I put down my hand. I see Hayden looking my way, an evil grin covers his face. I glare back at him and he shakes his pointer finger telling me not to glare.

"Jade u need to go to the nurse, maybe even the hospital." He catches my attention which startled me.

"I- I'll be fine." I whisper in a low tone.

"Your not fine Jade." He says standing up and making his way to the teacher. Jackson whispers into the teachers ear, Mr. Murray looks at me before nodding to him.

He rushes back to me, "Ok lets go." He says extending his arm.

I hesitantly grab it and he slowly pulls me up. We start to walk out of the class. I look at Hayden before exiting and he had anger that covered his face. His glare boar right into Jackson and me. Fear fills my heart as I see fire within his dark blue eyes.

Ooooooooh Hayden is fucking livid!
What do guys think will happen? Will Hayden go after our dear new student Whiskey or do you think it will be Jade that he goes after?

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Much love,

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