10. Boredom and Sleep

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"Jade? Jade wake up." The distant voice can be heard within my dreams, beckoning me to wake but I deny it. I needed the sleep and I didn't want to wake up, I wanted to sleep forever.

"Jade!" The voice grows louder. "Jade get the fuck up!" Someone starts to shake my body which slowly wakes me up.

"Ugh what is it?" I cover my eyes with my arm to block out the lights. I squint and see the outline of a person standing by my bed. I blink a few times and the figure dissipates into thin air.

I sit up startled, looking around my room I find no one in it. What the fuck did I just see? I think to myself, rubbing my eyes to make sure I'm not sleeping still. I could have sworn that someone was just here, guess I might be going crazy.

Shaking the thoughts from my head I roll out of bed. I exit my room and head to the bathroom. No one appears to be home, thank god. After doing my business I head back to my room. I start to yawn and rub at my eyes until I suddenly run into a firm object. I look up to see Hayden standing there with a blank expression.

"Get the fuck out of my way Jade!" He pushes me into the wall and walks past. "Oh and watch were you're going." The door slams and I am left alone, standing there like a pathetic, hopeless puppy.

I rush to my room shutting the door, I grab my drawing supplies and open my drawing pad to a fresh page. What to draw, what to draw? I look around my room, I find no inspiration. I unlock my phone and search through my pictures I have downloaded, nothing. No inspiration fills my heart. My mind searches for something, anything, but nothing feels good enough to draw.

Frustrated I place my drawing pad and pencils onto my desk. I flop onto my bed again staring at the ceiling, the only thing that I have really done today. Boredom over takes me once again. My eye-lids grow heavy, I can barely keep them open. Sleep claws it's way into my body, overtaking my mind and soul.


"Jade honey, wake up. It's time for dinner." The soothing voice of my mother fills my ears. Her soft hand brushes against my forehead, pushing my hair out of my face. My eyes open, met by my mothers light brown eyes.

Her eyes are very soft and hold so much emotion in them. Little tiny wrinkles can be seen around them. Her dark brown hair hangs past her shoulders and falls just short of her lap as she sits on my bed. Her face is round and her cheeks are full and healthy, her lips are pink with a thin upper lip and a fuller bottom, and her nose is cute and slender. Ever since she has gotten remarried her aura around her has gotten lighter and much more happier.

"Are you alright sis?" Concern fills her face as she looks down at me, rubbing her thumb on my forehead. "Hayden said that you were feeling sick today and didn't got to school."

"Yeah... something like that." I mumble looking at my window.

She looks at me questionably with one eyebrow raised.

"I didn't get any sleep last night." I purse my lips as I look at her.

"Is it because of your nightmare?" She tilts her head waiting for me to answer.

"Yeah.." I lie as I sit up.

"Do you wanna-"

"No mother I'm fine!" I grumble cutting her off before she could finish.

"Ok, ok." She puts her hands up in surrender. "I won't ask you anymore, sheesh." She gets up and walks to the door. "Diner is ready, hurry get dressed and come eat." She slips out of my room leaving me to get ready.

I grumble some more before getting a new set of clothes on. I brush my long, thick brown hair of any knots. I release my hair letting it fall. I stand up and look into my mirror observing my hair, it falls just under my butt. My hair is the only thing that I love about my self. The only thing that I have any value in when it comes to myself. I then look up to my face, bags reside under my eyes from all the stress and sleepless nights. Golden brown eyes peer back at me, empty of every emotion except for disgust. Disgust is all I feel whenever I look at myself in the mirror. I sat there staring for a couple of minutes before I couldn't handle it any more. I looked away as the tears streamed down my cheeks. I wiped them away with my sleeves and rushed down stairs to eat dinner.

The smell of diner makes my stomach growl, begging for food. Due to me sleeping all day I hadn't eaten anything. I sat down and dished up my plate looking at my mother who was busy conversating with Kit about his day and whatever else. My eyes skim over the table until my they meet Hayden's. He looks angry, his eyes hold a harsh darkness to them and his gaze is pointed directly at me.

His glare makes me look away, I hear him scoff before eating his food. Man what is his problem now?

You are his problem. My mind says. I look over at him again before looking at my food. I start to eat the delicious food as my thoughts drown out everything around me.

Here you guys go.XD This chapter sucks I know. I kind of got stuck while trying to write it. Like Jade I had no inspiration to go on. :/ thank you guys for reading! Hope you guys like my story. Don't forget to vote for my story! It would mean so much to me :)

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