6. My Personal Bitch...

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"Just because my dad said I have to help carry your shit around doesn't mean I'm going to be nice about it. Don't get that into your head because it's Never... Ever going to happen got it?" I nod. "Now come on, your mom said I have to drive you to school until you're are all healed up." He says exiting the house with my backpack in hand. I follow him hesitantly.

The black mustang revved to life as Hayden turns the key. I stop just outside of the passenger door, looking at the beautiful car before me. A midnight black coat of paint covers the car with two baby blue stripes that run up the front of the car to the trunk.

"Are you going to get in the car or are ya just gonna stare at my car all day?" A smirk covers his face. His blue eyes shine as he looks at me.

I snap out of my trance and open the door, slowly getting in trying not to hurt my side anymore. I hiss in pain when I wrap the seatbelt around myself. Hayden doesn't notice as he speeds off, jerking his car out of the driveway. The ride to school was filled with blissful silence. Not a peep from Hayden on how useless I am or how much he hates me. It honestly made me kind of happy but it was short-lived when we arrived at the parking lot of the school.

"Now get out before your stench is permanently stuck in my car." He growls getting out and walking to the school at a slow pace. My bag hangs from his hand.

I huff, unbuckling and opening the door. My side starts to ache as I pull myself out of the low car. Hissing at the pain I stand up, close the door and start walking to the school a few feet behind Hayden. He turns around and locks the doors to his car. The honk of the car makes me jump slightly and he chuckles at me and walks away.

People began to stare once we enter the school building. People couldn't believe that we were here together for once, well without him pushing me around that is. I could hear the silent whispers of my classmates around me as we pass through the hallways.

"I heard that the bitch hit her head and now she is brain dead, even more than she already was." A group of girls giggles.

"She's so pathetic that she has to have help 24/7, what a fucking loser."

"I feel bad for Hayden because he has to be her brother. I would treat her worse than he does if she was my sister."

"God, why is she even around still? I thought she died when she had her little fall the other day." A guy whispers out loud, making me feel small and insignificant. A tiny little bug in the world that no one cares about and would gladly squash if they had the opportunity to do so.

My classmates resent me just as much as Hayden does, if not more. Some of the people, if given the chance, would take the bullying further than verbal abuse and the occasional pushing and shoving Hayden does. Some would make me bleed, make me scream in pain, crying out for help that no one would give. They would break me, more than Hayden even dreamed of doing. They would push me to the brink, making me go further than the few scars I have given myself throughout the years of Hayden's torture. They would make me think that there is nothing to live for anymore, even though Hayden had made me feel pike that sometimes. Compared to Hayden, some of these people make his bullying seem like child's play. But for the life of me, I can't figure out why they haven't been a constant source of my bullying. Maybe because Hayden likes to have all the fun when he bullies me. He and his friends are the main ones that push me around, there have been comments from other people but they haven't actually gotten involved. They just whisper to their friends about me but make sure that it's loud enough to hear when I pass by.

The first bell brings me back into reality and I slip into class behind Hayden. I rush to my seat and sit down. Staring out of the window, I try to keep the tears at bay. I hear a loud thump on my desk catching my attention. Hayden sits down in the seat next to me. I notice my bag on my desk. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him looking at me. I glance over for a split second seeing his burning gaze directed at me. I turn my attention back outside to observe the beauty of the early morning.

My first 3 classes went by rather fast. It was kind of a blur for me. I couldn't focus on anything the class had to offer. All I did was repeat the words I heard in the hall over and over again inside my head. I know it's bad but I couldn't help but focus on those negative words. After art, I slumped my way out of the classroom where I was met by Hayden who took my bag and led the way to our P.E class.

The classroom had only a few students residing in it, including Hayden's friends. I went to sit at the back of the room when Hayden grabbed my arm and dragged me to where his friends were seated. I keep my attention locked on the floor as I sit next to Hayden.

"I see that you have become the little sluts, personal bitch." Trey pushes Hayden's arm.

"Shut the fuck up. I am no one's personal bitch, let alone this little twerps." He growls at his friend.

Trey stands up and wakes towards me. I shrink down in my seat even more as he squats down to face me.

"You know, this is what you deserve for hurting Hayden." He says pointing to my injured side. "Now how did you get it into your head you could do such a thing to him?" He presses his fingers into my side.

I jolt from the stinging pain, letting out a loud cry of pure agony as he digs his fingers into my side. A few people glance our direction watching the interaction, intrigued by how I'm in pain. His hand his ripped from its position. Hayden's hand tightly grips Trey's wrist.

"What the hell Hayden? I'm just having some fun." He grits his teeth.

"Do not touch her!" He growls at him. "She's in enough pain already without us doing anything. Broken ribs hurt trust me."

Trey jerks his hand away from Hayden's grip scoffing. "You're really protecting this worthless bitch!" He sneers in anger. "I can't fucking believe you." Shaking his head in disbelief.

"I'm not protecting the bitch I'm just saying shes in enough pain. Broken ribs make life difficult. It hurts basically doing anything; breathing, moving sitting there." He sits back in his chair sighing and rubbing his face. "Listen, my father is on my case and he blames me for what happened to her." A bored expression crosses his face when he looks at me, "And I sure in the fuck don't need you to make her injuries worse than they already are. Wait until this all dies down then everything goes back to normal."

"What the fuck ever man, you've grown soft for this pathetic creature." Trey lazily points at me. "Once this is over with things better go back to normal." He mumbles as he sits in his seat, pouting with his arms crossed over his chest.

The bell rings for class to start. I turn my attention to the front of the class where the teacher is standing.

"Alrighty class," he claps his hands together making me jump slightly. Hayden laughs beside me, I sink into my chair from the embarrassment. "you guys will be getting your lockers today along with your P.E. uniforms. You will also pick up a lock for your locker. I have this paper for you guys to write down your name, lock number, and the locker number you choose." He holds up a clipboard with a piece of paper attached to it. "Now follow me and lets head down to the locker rooms." The class floods out of the classroom following the teacher.

Chattering groups walked side by side down the hallway. I followed behind Hayden and his two friends, zoning off inside of my head. I'm not paying attention and run straight into Trey's back. I stumble back and regain my balance.

"Watch where you're going you fucking retard!" Trey spits in my face.

"I'm s-sorry." I choke out.

"You better be." He turns and catches up to his friends.

I stand there for a few seconds before I slowly make my way following the group of students. Trey usually isn't as mean like this. He usually just goes along with the things that Hayden says or does to me. I wonder what's up to his ass that makes him so pissy lately.

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