15. Stop

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Warning!: mild sexual content.

A week after the incident with Hayden, the abuse got worse. They began to push Whiskey around, Hayden got in a fight with him breaking his nose. I felt so bad because I knew that I was the reason for them going after Whiskey. Whenever I would bring it up he would tell me that it's not my fault and that it was his own choice. Even though I feel guilty, I am glad that he is sticking by my side.

"Hey, Jade." Whiskey gets my attention from my thoughts.

I look up at him, observing his bruised face. "Yeah?"

"So I was thinking, if it's ok with you, that we could go to the mall or something after school." He smiles before eating another spoonful of pears.

"Really?" I ask kind of surprised. We hadn't hung out other than in school.

"Yeah really. Would u like to join me?"

I stop to think for a bit, I was very hesitant at first but then I realized I would be away from the negativity at the house. "Yeah, that sounds fun!" My mood increases and I start to eat my meal. I haven't gone out with a friend in what seems like an eternity.

I remember the last time I did. It was with my old friend Kylie, and we went to the zoo. We spent the whole day walking around the zoo talking about anything and everything. We would laugh about our old memories and fantasize about our future and what it would be like. But that was before her and her family moved to Japan. We were best friends and were basically inseparable. We went everywhere together and stayed at each other's houses all the time, even on school nights too. We knew each other better than anyone else. Our messages began to become less and less frequent, mainly on my part. Hayden had begun to chip away at my self-esteem a month before she moved. After 4 months of her being gone, there was no more contact between us. She would try to message me, but I didn't want to burden her with all my problems so I stopped replying, even though it was the hardest thing I had to do.

I have grown to fear everyone and everything. My depression suffocating me on a day to day basis. Every positive thing in my life has been shut down by Hayden, he sees happiness then rips it from my grasp.

My hope has been dwindling every day, a little at a time, about how I would be able to find happiness. I am constantly put through Hayden's torture and I have no escape. But now, now there is hope. My heart yearns to be happy and I am drowning in my own sorrow, praying that Whiskey can help me find my way out of the darkness and into the light. Finally escaping Hayden's wretch full embrace.


After school I meet Whiskey in the parking lot.

"So you can just follow me to my house, I have to drop off my stuff and tell my mom that I'm going out." I open my car door placing my bag on the passenger seat. I turn around and look at him.

"Sound good to me." He smiles brightly. "We can ride together to the mall." He walks around to his side, "Let us get this show on the road shall we?" He chuckles and gets in starting his car and I do the same. I pull out of the parking lot and head to my house blasting my music as usual. This time Bewitched by Blood on The Dance Floor fills the car. I sing along to the lyrics getting into the beat.

It doesn't take to long to arrive at my house and I pull into the driveway. I exit the car and wait for Whiskey to park. I walk up and he opens his door exiting.

"You don't have to come in if you don't want to." I say looking at the ground.

"Sounds like you don't want me to come in." He raises an eyebrow all seriously.

"I- I didn't mean... I just-" I stutter try to explain.

"I'm just joking." He starts laughing and play pushes me. "I can stay out here it's no problem. He leans against his car.

"I will be right back." I turn around and run into my house, running to my room and placing my things onto the bed.

"What's the rush?" A deep voice makes me jump.

I turn around to see Hayden leaning against the door frame. His arms crossed over his bare chest. His toned stomach flexes a bit then relaxes.

"It's not any of your business Hayden." I say grabbing my wallet and my Game of Thrones hat. I head for the door, trying to pass him. He puts up his arm to block my path.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk" he shakes his head in disappointment. "Have you learned nothing?" He pushes me back into the room and steps towards me closing the door behind him. "You do not talk to me that way Jade." He growls at me with gritted teeth. "I am the one in charge if you have forgotten that. If I ask you a question you answer the fucking question." He steps closer getting in my face, a few drops of spit hit my face. "Now where are you going? And the answer better not be with the prick outside. Remember you are mine." He grabs my throat pulling me closer, making me hit against his chest with mine. I squirm in his grasp, chocking noises escape my mouth as I pry at his hands. He pushes me back with some force. My back hits the bed and I bounce a bit. I prop myself up on my elbows crawling away from him. He stops me by grabbing my legs and pulling me back towards him. I kick him and spin to my belly trying to get to the other side of my bed. He crawls on top of me, grabbing my hair and turning my head so I could see him out of the corner of my eye. He pushes my face into the bed and brings his lips to my ear.

"Don't ever fucking do that again." He growls into my ear. "Now you listen to me," he pauses licking just under my ear. "You are MINE, if he touches you then there will be punishment waiting for the both of you." He sucks at the nap of my neck making me squirm to get out of his grasp.

"Hayden! Stop please!" I cry out tears running down my cheek. He stops for a second not removing his mouth, he then bites down making me yelp in pain. He grinds his hips down against my bottom and I can feel his hard member pressing against me. This makes me squirm more, fear taking over my senses.

He runs his left hand down my side, slipping into my shirt. He grabs my boob and kneads it roughly. He nibbles on my ear releasing it with a pop.

"God, you feel so good underneath me. It makes me want to take you right now." He starts to suck on my neck again, his hand travels from my boob down my stomach and makes its way into my pants.

"No! Hayden please!" I sob, my body shaking under him. He pulls on my hair with his right hand to give him more access to my neck. He rubs my c.lit in circles making me squirm. I had when he shoved his fingers inside of me, thrusting roughly.

"Mmmm baby your so wet for me." He nips at my sensitive skin.

My tears stream down my face, I stop trying to get away from him. I am too weak to push him off of me, he is pinning me to the bed with his body, making my escape virtually impossible. My body shakes from my sobs. He removes his hand from my pants and gets up releasing me, I lay there crying. Out of the corner I see him stick his fingers inside of his mouth sucking on them.

"As sweet as ever my slave." I say before turning and leaving. I curl up in a ball and cry, my breathing comes out shaky and shallow.

Ooooooh I think someone is jealous, don't you guys agree? How do you guys like it? Is making him do the things he does to Jade to much? Let me know! I would love to hear what you guys think! And sorry for the wait for these chapters. I get on a writing spree then after I'm finished posting those pre-written chapters I don't have any inspiration until my new writing spree. Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!

Much love,

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