What a night!

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" Oh boy, well, I'm definitely making sure that I don't end up doing the last groups photoshoot EVER AGAIN. They take ages just for one photo T-T", I cried while telling to my best friend Emily. She chuckled, " LOL, I've experienced worst than this, at least your group has clothes on, mine can't even find the right underwear to wear!" We then started having a slight quarrel over whose group was worse than the other.. that probably lasted for about 30 minutes? But we got over it quickly since we both felt hungry and it was dinner time. So we stopped by our favourite hangout spot, " The Lively Cafe ". If you are wondering why and how this place became our hangout spot, it's because this's the place where I and Emily first met, it was quite interesting meeting her, she seemed like a nice person to talk to. And oh my, I was so right, I still remembered , I asked her, " Hi! Umm, do you mind if I sit with you? Most of the seats have been taken and this is the only seat left. " And to my suprise, she showed me a smile as a friendly gesture and said " Sure! It's always crowded in here, not many people are lucky to find seats of their own. Have a seat! " I felt relieved at that time and ever since that day, she has been the very first person I ever talked to since I started doing my job as a photographer. And if I remembered correctly, the first thing we ever talked about to each other, was how good looking the waiter was in the cafe.. Yeah, I'm 100% sure most of us including you guys ( my audience ) do that. We were both lucky to get a smile from him :) I could tell from the look of Emily's reaction, she looked like she was gonna be 8 months pregnant in the blink of an eye!

Once we reached the cafe, we ordered our coffee and straight away sat at the table nearest to the exit because both of us know, we won't make it out of here alive due to the massive amount of customers walking in and out.... " So, any news going on in the love department for you? ", Emily asked me while sipping her coffee. " No way, pfft, please, if you had to ask anyone that kind of question, I would be the last person you would ever ask. I'm not the type to go out and look for love. C'mon, look at me! I look like a 30 year old women even though I'm only 24 years old! " I replied. Emily started putting her slightly disappointed face, and of course, as her best friend, I had to do something. So I said, " Hey, my life is already filled with more then dozens of people coming in and out asking me to take their picture, I don't think I would have time to deal with all this romance. Maybe I might, but not now. Alright?  " Emily's face started to turn from a sad face to a more relieved and happy face. She said, " Oh thank goodness, for once, I honestly thought you were like those introverts, well not saying that their bad or anything, I feel like their life is quite boring without love. Anyways, since you said " soon ", I'm gonna be expecting to see 500+ messages coming from you stating that you found your Mr Right. HAHAHAHAHAH. " I choked on my coffee and said, " *cough cough* Shut up! That's not funny! ". We continued our night filled with joy, laughter and a little bit of " special " advice from each other.

An hour later, me and Emily payed for our drinks, separated from the cafe and walked back home. Once I got back to my apartment, I quickly threw myself into the shower. Dancing and singing in the shower, it's something that I regularly do ESPECIALLY, if I'm alone, well I'm already living by myself so.. yeah T-T. I told myself, " *sighs* living alone is a little bit sad but it's alright, it will eventually become a good thing :) " However, if I woke up late for something and I end up being in a hurry, I would have to ditch the fun :(. Anyways, after a quick shower, I hopped into my grey pyjamas and went straight to my working table to get some extra work done. In my head, I thought, " Today is a Friday night... of course there will be extra work, no one can escape from a Friday night T-T " While I was doing my work, my phone suddenly vibrated. Wondering who could be texting me at such a late hour and with a curious feeling, I looked at my phone and saw a message from an unknown person. I looked at the message, and the first thing that came to my mind was, " This is the weirdest text that I have ever received in my life. " It wrote,

" Dear Stranger, I'm writing this to let you know that something incredible is about to happen to YOU and this is partially my fault  so forgive me for that, but who knows, you might even enjoy it :). My identity shall remain unknown and this message will be deleted automatically within the next 24 hours. As for you, get ready to experience a full time change starting tomorrow. Good luck.
- Unknown "

My head started to be filled with thoughts and curiosity, what could this unknown person mean by " something incredible " and what does this person mean by " full time change? " Then I figured, that this could probably be a prank from another colleague of mine or from Emily. So, I didn't really put in much thought. But I was still continuously scratching my head, thinking about what's gonna happen to me tomorrow. I kept thinking and thinking until I finished up the last batch of my pile of hell ( work ). Soon, I went to bed, I closed my eyes and had completely forgotten about the strange message...

Writers Note :
Hiii! If you're still unfamiliar on who I am, the name is Lee! This is my first work, and I hope to produce good stories for you all, it means a lot to me if you share this story with others! Give this story a like and comment what else I should produce!

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