Mason's Breakdown.

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Once I walked out from Selena's apartment, I drove back to my house.

*a few moments later*

I unlocked my door, went inside my room to get changed, then plopped myself onto my couch.

I applied ointment at the side of my lips to stop the bleeding.

( W/N : In the previous chapter, or you could call it as my drafting before publishing the actual chapter,William actually received some minor bruises at the side of his lips after getting punched by Mason! I forgot to include that! Sorry! )

Once that was done,

I stared above my transparent ceiling, the stars were shining brightly than ever.

" How.. pretty.. ", I said to myself with a soft tone.

I then glanced at my watch, the time showed 4:30a.m.

" I'm not tired at all..

Especially after getting punched from Mason earlier... *sighs*

What's with me nowadays? ", I thought.

I then started fidgeting while humming a song that my mother used to sing to me when I was little.

It was a sweet song, it sounded elegant as well. Incredibly peaceful.

It reminded me of a young lady finding happiness in music. And cherishing it with her loved one's.

However, my mother's voice was the only voice that I could ever imagine singing it.

No one could ever replace her.

Tears soon started to build, then, it all flowed out. I miss my mother more than anyone in the world. She didn't deserve to say goodbye to the world.

Father and I didn't do anything wrong. So why did you leave us?

If only your disease didn't come in, then, our family could have stayed as one.

" I miss you ma... but, I miss someone else more... This person made me smile. This person is the reason I'm nice to others. ", I said with a sad tone.

Eventhough my mother did not quite accept me when I came out as a homosexual, she still loved me for everything else.

I rubbed my temples gently as I continued humming her song.

Soon enough, I fell asleep, while having the thoughts of my late mother's presence right beside me.

The following day, I woke up at 6a.m and got ready.

I drove out to work, I was expecting to see Ryan.

" I can't wait to see him smile once again. ", I thought with excitement.

Once I reached my office, Ryan wasn't there.


Normally, Ryan would already be there with my schedule.

I figured he was probably rushing back from visiting his parents.

*3 hours later*

I started to be concerned and mostly worried.

" He's still not here. Not even a single text or call from him... Where on earth is he? ", I asked myself.

I've left him behind a few messages but he didn't read them.

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