A turn around ( Part 4 )

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Once I got back to my apartment, I sat down on my couch. Thinking deeply about my feelings for Selena.

I wasn't sure whether she would accept me. Especially after everything that had happened lately.

Then, I looked at my table. I had a small picture frame of me with Selena back when we had our first dinner together, but, just as friends.

I felt irritated and upset.

" I have to get closer to her. She means the world to me. If something happens to her, I would never be able to forgive myself. ", I thought.

Then, I glanced at my clock.

" 6:30p.m ?! Wow... Time flies really really fast! ", I figured.

I got up from my couch and went to get ready.

I wanted to check up on Selena just in case if William decided to not show up.

Either way, my main focus was to protect Selena.

* an hour later *

I came out of my apartment, wearing a basic grey sweater with jeans.

Later on, I decided to walk towards the restaurant where everyone was gonna be there.

While walking, I noticed a black Mercedes car parked right outside the restaurant.

" Damn. Wish I could afford a car like that.... I wonder who's inside.... *takes a peak inside the car* ".

" Holy f#?k. William? Well, I guess it makes sense. He does come from a wealthy background. But, surprisingly, he did come to check on Selena. *smirks* Looks like I can convince a cold hearted man. I'm so cool ! ".

I decided to stand quietly at the side of the restaurant where I could keep an eye out for Selena and William.

I then realised that Selena, well, actually her male body, Ryan, was sitting with a women.

" That's the same women in my vision! ", I gasped.

Moments later,

I noticed Selena walking out.

I hid myself well enough in the dark so that Selena wouldn't spot me.

" If she did spot me, she would think that I'm stalking her and soon give me a long ass lecture.... ", I figured.

Then, I realised Selena was walking into the next doors shop.

She soon came out, as her original, beautiful self.

" Stunning ! ", I thought while blushing.

Then, she walked back inside like a totally different person.

" She can act perfectly. That's my girl. ".

* Roughly 5 minutes later *

I noticed Selena and that women coming out and getting inside a cab.

It felt strange. So, I decided to catch a cab of my own.

Luckily there was one parked behind.

I quickly got in and told the driver to follow them.

Once the driver told me that they've stopped, I paid him and hopped out.

I looked around and saw Selena with the women walking behind the building.

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