Two stories to tell.

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My mind was going bizarre!! LITERALLY! But my main objective at that time was TO MAKE SURE WILLIAM DID NOT COME IN! HE COULDN'T! EVEN IF IT MEANT THAT I HAD TO DO THE WORST THINGS I COULD POSSIBLY THINK OF TOWARDS HIM! But I didn't want to take it to the extreme... Not to forget that I had 2 problems to face. 1, was William wanting to barge into my apartment JUST to talk to my other self ( Ryan ). 2, my time of being a girl was almost up... and to MAKE IT EVEN HARDER FOR ME, WILLIAM WAS HERE TO ALMOST WITNESS IT! So, I decided to try one of my tricks towards him, I said, " ~Oww! My stomach hurts! It's an emergency! You can slide my ID card under the door. I'll let you know when Ryan is free! *slowly closes the door* ". Before I could fully close the door, Williams hand firmly slammed against the side of the door to prevent me from closing it any further! He said, " Hmm, sorry, but I don't fall for these silly little tricks... As for your ID card, I'm gonna hold onto it since I'm your CEO and not until I meet up with Ryan! ". I felt annoyed with the young arrogant devil... Then, an idea or more like a plan flew inside me! I was very lucky! Like a stroke of luck! Especially when I was stuck in a VERY sticky situation! I told William, " Fine. Since you wanna meet up with Ryan so badly, I'll let you in. *Opens back the door* But he's asleep right now. I'll go wake him up. After that, I gotta take a shower. I'm exhausted! As for you... Just sit on the couch and wait for him.. ". He smiled once he walked in and soon gave me back my ID card.. I gave him a quick glare behind his back... He then said, " Thank you! Well, Selena, at least you know how to do the right thing. *smiles* I'll be waiting.. ". I flashed a quick smile at him back and walked towards my bathroom. In my head, I told myself, " Hmm, at least he knows how to smile and say thank you... ". Then, my heart started to pound and my face started to blush... I gave myself a quick slap and told myself, " *quick slap* Eh! Why am I feeling like this! Aish! He's my CEO! ".

Once I reached inside my bathroom, I continued with my plan. I switched on my shower and looked at the time. It hit exactly at 6a.m! I looked in my mirror and noticed my guy side again... I gave out a huge " sigh " as a relief. Then, I slowly opened the door while leaving the shower running just to make it seem like I ( my female side ) was showering. I tipped toe VERY quietly towards my room and got dressed like I just woke up. Finally, I came out and walked towards my living room where the devil was waiting for me... I pretended to still look " sleepy ". Once William saw my face, he rushed towards me and grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me outside of my apartment. I was trying to set my hand free but his hand had such a strong grip on mine... Soon, he dragged me outside the steps of my apartment block and finally let loose of my hand. Then, I asked, " Hey! Why did you drag me all the way out here?! Selena told me you just wanted to ask me something? If it's important then I understand if you wanna talk about it privately BUT IF IT ISN'T IMPORTANT, you're getting a quick slap from me.. ". He gave me a quick smirk. He then said, " If it wasn't important, ~would you give me a quick slap on the lips? ". My face turned red as a tomato! I then replied, " Haish! Just tell me already! ".

" Haha, alright! So, my main question is, why is did you lie to me about you living alone!? I bumped into Selena on the way to my office so that I could wait for you. Then she dropped her ID card, so I looked at her address... And realised that she lives in the same apartment as you! ", William asked with a determined tone. I then replied, " Wait a minute, don't tell me you're jealous? Selena's my cousin! She had to move out from her apartment due to a flood and soon, she stopped by my place cause I was the only one that lived close. So obviously, I had to let her stay with me! ". I noticed Williams face turning red! He probably felt embarrassed!. He continued with an irritated tone, " What jealous? I'm not jealous! Just concern, that's all! A person like me wouldn't get jealous! But, ermm, is she gonna stay there permanently? ". I gave a nod and laughed for a while. He showed me his annoyed face as usual... In my head, I told myself, " Well, my plan seems to be working... *phew* It's a good thing he didn't notice... ". I then said, " Well, how about you follow me back up? I need to get ready anyway. ". He gave me a nod and a quick peck on my lips. My face was flustered...

When we reached my apartment, William said, "Wow... Selena does take a long shower.. ". I replied, " Y-yeah! O-of course! She's like that! Let me get dressed first! ". At first, I secretly went to the bathroom to switch off the shower cause I didn't want my water bill to shoot up... Then, I went to change into my working clothes. While I was changing, I heard my room door slowly opening. I looked and it was WILLIAM!? My face looked surprised! He came behind me and started hugging me! I told him with a blushed face, " H-hey! Selena is here you know! ". He replied, " So? I've locked the door... And I'm sure she's busy sleeping in her room... Haish, look at you! You button up your shirt so slowly and it's messy looking! *takes my hand and helps to button-up shirt* There, see? Much better. ". My entire soul just wanted to fly up to space and never return.. I looked up at Williams face and he looked at mine. Our lips were closer to each other than before, even a small movement from one of us could seal our lips together. It seemed like William wanted to make the first move.. When out of nowhere..

* Ding dong *, just when we were in a VERY private moment. The doorbell rang. Then, William and I heard a familiar voice coming from outside. It spoke, " Ryannn!! It's me! Emily!! I got some homemade food for you from my mum! Could you open the door for me?? ". IT WAS EMILY!!? I thought to myself in horror, " IF EMILY COMES IN, AND IF SHE SEES ME AND WILLIAM, OMFG! I GOTTA GET WILLIAM OUT OF HERE! ".

Writers Note:
Damn, looks like the chaos is gonna continue again! Sorry if this chapter is short! I hope you like this chapter! More will be coming in soon! :))

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