One step closer..

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Back to Selena/Ryans POV :

Once I left Williams office, the two questions that he had asked me were still stuck, bouncing around in my head... " Why did he ask me whether I was Selena? And why did he ask whether or not if I was related to Ryan? ", I questioned myself. But I was very sure that he knew about me being Selena, technically my other self ( Ryan ) had already told him that... Then something came across my mind, with a feared and worrisome tone, I thought to myself, " *GASP *, WHAT IF HE HAD FIGURED OUT THAT ME AND RYAN ARE THE SAME PERSON?!?! NO! IT CAN'T BE RIGHT?!! MAYBE I'M JUST OVERTHINKING... ". Sweats almost started running down throughout my entire body! From head to toe! I rushed towards my desk, trying my absolute best to forget about " The whole William knowing my secret thing ", but nothing was coming out from my darn brain! I wanted to text Emily for advice, but then I figured that she was probably busy with 3 things, either 1, she was asleep, 2, busy with extra work or 3, possibly just wasting her time reading her favourite romance novel... To be honest, from my point of view, she could be doing the 3rd option... Why? Firstly, she's my best friend and OBVIOUSLY I know her VERY well till now.. Secondly, as her best friend, I know VERY WELL that she LOVES any situation related to " love " and ever since she knew that I had 2 bodies.. oh boy, it's been chaotic... OBVIOUSLY, she knew that my guy side had probably started having a secret relationship with our CEO... Because of that, she started going on dozens of online shopping apps or even barging into a few libraries ( if necessary ) JUST to buy romance novels that were kinda similar to my situation... AND THIRDLY, I honestly think it's because that's just typical EMILY...

( W/N: We all can agree that's JUST TYPICAL EMILY HAHAHA! Alright, back to the story! )

Once I sat at my desk, STILL feeling worried, I decided to submerge myself into my work from 2 days ago because of my "accident "and my night shift, which included emailing groups, taking pictures of people who were just so stunningly gorgeous (*cries* I felt envious of them T-T) and editing them, doing my reports, drinking my coffee till I slowly became insane and of course, nibbling on snacks ( my everyday job ~hehe ) FOR THE SAKE of me to just forget about William... Into about 30 minutes of me dealing with work, I didn't take the chance to even realise that I was so deep into my work to the point that it even made most of my co-workers there stare at me like I was transforming into some kind of demon... By the time my shift and work were FINALLY completed.., I looked at my watch and noticed that the time was exactly at 5:20a.m. Before I could say anything, I headed towards the cafeteria for a drink. When I finally came back, I sat in the lounging room. I then told myself, " WOW!, I didn't realise that time passed on so quickly! Anddd, OMG, YES, I HAVE FORGOTTEN ABOUT THE INCIDENT MUAHAHAHA, I'M SO AWESOME! WOHOOOOOOO! I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER WHAT THE INCIDENT WAS ABOUT! ". Suddenly, while I was busy celebrating by myself about my achievement, 2 lady co-workers of mine walked right pass me. One of them asked, " Oooo, have you ever seem to notice how dashing looking our new CEO is? Isn't he dreamy? ". The other lady replied, " OMG OBVIOUSLY! ~ahhh How can someone be so good looking? Even his name is perfect! ~William...". The word, " William ", was the only word that rang into my ear... AND BECAUSE OF THAT, THE SITUATION THAT I WAS DYING OR YOU COULD SAY AS, EAGERLY HOPING TO FORGET, FLEW RIGHT BACK INSIDE MY BRAIN! AND THEN, I STARTED SAYING THIS STATEMENT IN MY HEAD WHILE FACE PALMING MYSELF CONTINUOSLY, " WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY... JUST WHY ". After repeatedly doing that for about 10 minutes, I sat back down by my desk and told myself with a slightly relieved tone, " Meh, at least I was able to finish up my leftover work from 2 days ago... Wait! Hold on... *looks back at watch to soon realise that the time had hit 5:30a.m*, OMFG, I GOTTA GET BACK BEFORE MY TIME IS UP! *CURSES* ". I hurriedly packed up my stuff and raced towards the exit. Just before I was about to exit the building, I bumped into someone! I fell down and my papers flung high into the air and were soon scattered everywhere!

Without even thinking for a split second on who I bumped into, I started saying, " OMG, I'M REALLY SORRY! I'M IN A HURRY AND I WASN'T LOOKING WHERE I WAS GOING! AND AGAIN, SORRY FOR BUMPING INTO YOU SIR! I REALLY AM! " while picking up my scattered papers on the floor. For some particular reason, I realised at that time, the man who I bumped into just stood there silently like a statue... In my head, I thought, " Well... Isn't this man gonna help me? Wow... How rude... ". Once I was done, I continued to sprint towards the exit without even looking back or even being able to recognise the mysterious man who I bumped into. Well for starters, I definitely knew that the person was a guy... When I bumped into him, he had an amazing fragrance that smelled so sweet and manly! I wish I could see him again! Too bad though... he seemed like the type who had a bad temper since he DIDN'T CARE AT ALL TO HELP ME, HMPH... But I didn't bother thinking about him too much since I was in a hurry...

In about 20 minutes, I finally reached my apartment covered in droplets of sweats AND I could FINALLY catch my breath! I went straight into my room and started unpacking my papers onto my desk. Then I went to my wardrobe to decide what I was gonna wear during the day. Suddenly, I looked at myself in the mirror and soon realised that my ID card was missing... Normally it would be hanging around my neck... I went to check if it was in my bag, nothing. Then, I went to check if it was somewhere lying around in my apartment, nothing as well... Then, I figured, that I might have dropped it near the exit at work, right after the collision with that man... " Hmm, most probably someone must have picked it up and hopefully had the brains to leave it at the service counter. If so, I can easily pick it up when I reach work in my other body. ", I told myself. I looked at my phone to check the time, it was 5 minutes right before my time was up. Out of the blue, I heard someone knocking on my door. " Oh? I wonder who's that?.. ", I wondered with curiosity. I walked towards my door and just before I opened it, I started to smell the same fragrance from earlier.. " Ooo, maybe it's the same man who I bumped into at work! But... what could he be doing here? Weird... MAYBE.. he must have found my ID card! Well, I've placed my address on it, so it kinda makes sense.. ", I pondered for a while but at the same time, I felt excited! But, I couldn't hold in my excitement for long! At last, I opened my door while feeling excited to finally meet the man with the amazing fragrance! My idea was, once I meet him, I'm gonna ask where he bought his cologne from, ~hehe.  Just for fun! ( I think.. ) I looked up at the mysterious man who I was expecting, was someone with a cool aura, instead... IT WAS WILLIAM!?!? AND HE WAS HOLDING MY ID CARD??!!

I felt speechless... " IT WAS WILLIAM ALL ALONG?!? HE WAS THE RUDE ASS GUY THAT HAD THE AMAZING FRAGRANCE?!?!? WTF!! ", I thought to myself with a confused and surprised look. There was silence at first... Then, William opened his mouth to break the silence and asked me with a slight angry and confused tone, " Selena?? At first, I wanted to wait in my office for Ryan... I wanted to ask him something. But overall, I honestly thought that I was seeing things after I bumped into you... You dropped your ID card... I wanted to give it back but you were in such a hurry! And then I thought of giving it to the service counter. But then I noticed your address... I thought it was too good to be true! Let me ask you something, may I know why are you living under the same roof as Ryan? I'm sure he told me that he LIVES ALONE. But based on your ID card, it doesn't seem like he's living alone anymore... Wait! Does this mean Ryan is still here? I didn't see him on the way out! However, based on your facial expression, it seems like you're in shocked to see me... ". He was right! I was in shock! I wanted to speak, but words just wouldn't come out! I was able to speak a few words softly... But it seemed like I was stuttering due to Williams presence! Then he continued his question, he asked with a serious tone, " So, will you please move aside? Now that I'm seeing you here... I have so many questions to ask him! I don't think I can get an answer from you due to my presence... I advise you to move along now or I can easily just come in myself! *moves closer to my ear and whispers* I'll tell you this, you're filled with interesting and mysterious things Selena.. ". My face started to tremble! I had less than 5 minutes before I changed back! In that moment, I only had ONE thing in mind, " HE CAN'T COME IN! ".

Writers Note :
I'm back everyone! This chapter is very funny in my opinion! It took so much time to deal with this chapter! I hope you'll enjoy it! I have more chapters to upload! Thank you to everyone for being patient! Love you lots!!

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