Too close for comfort!

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Words couldn't express how I felt, well other than thinking, " WHY WAS HIS FACE SO CLOSE TO MINE?! " From my point of view, his face looked quite manly, not to mention, his height looks about around 187cm? He later asked me whether I was new to the company, and obviously I said   " Yes ", even though I have worked at this company for over 3 straight years in my other body! His face showed a slight disappointment, I then asked him, " Erm, it's a pleasure to meet you boss, but what's with the dissapointed face? And why do I have a feeling you might know where all my stuff went.. " He then gave me a quick smile and applauded me, for no particular reason? He replied to me, " Well, it seems that you're the type who pays attention and I like those kind of people. What's your name though? Since you're new... As for your stuff... their with me, I'm gonna give you 2 choices, whether you decline or accept my offer, you will still have the same result. So, would you rather stay out here as a regular worker with all those crazy fangirls clinging onto you? Or would you rather work as my personal assistant and earn a once in a lifetime opportunity to work side by side with me? Do not worry, your salary will be doubled if you choose to accept working with me, either way you'll eventually be working as my assistant whether you like it or not. For your information, I'm the type where if I want something, I'll get it. If I don't get it, I'll be furious."

During that particular moment, my shoulder was still strongly gripped by William, my mind was going crazy to the fact that he asked me as a GUY to be his personal assistant and the most confusing part, it was only my " first " day and I somehow ended up in the hands of my new CEO?!? And if I declined his offer, he would be furious and my deskmate said to make a good first impression on him. Without thinking smartly for a split second, my mouth opened up and said, " W-what?!? Why me out of all people to become your personal assistant?!? Well my name is Ryan! However, like, I'm extremely grateful for your offer, really! But I'm just confused! Well... since you said that my salary will be doubled, I can't say no to that. So I'll accept, however, under one condition. " William quickly asked with an exciting and concerned voice, " Which is?". I answered back, " You let my other sid- .... I mean! My cousin who also works here, do you mind if she could work during the night time? She's not feeling well, so I think it's best if she works during the night so that she could get some rest during the day. I think she can start tomorrow night. :) " William gave me a nod and I smiled happily while feeling nervous as I almost revealed my secret! After telling him that, he finally let loose of my shoulder and walked back into his office. All I could say was, " FREEDOMM " in my mind of course.

I then continued my work. Taking photos, arranging schedules, having meetings, it was quite tiring! At the end of my shift, it was almost 8 o'clock. Before I headed towards the exit, William ran up to me. He came close to my ear and whispered, " ~ See you tomorrow, assistant. ~ " and then he left. My heart started beating like crazy. It was the very first time someone had made my heart beat like that, other than that one time, I saw my favourite idol on TV performing a ballad song. It was quite touching! Suddenly I thought, " Wait, but I'm a guy, does that mean he's interested into GUYS!?! No, there's no way it's like that, maybe I'm just overreacting. Well let's see how it all goes tomorrow. "  Anyways, I quickly met up with Emily at the entrance to walk back to my place for dinner. Once we reached my apartment, Emily dragged me to the sofa and asked me with curiosity, " Sooo, how did it go? Did you get the job? Where are you sitting now? Oh, by the way, did you hear about the new CEO, I heard from one of my friends he offered some really good looking guy to be his personal assistant. It's a shame though, I miss our old CEO :( "  In my head, I was trying to think on how in the world was I going to explain what actually happened to her. So I explained thoroughly to her .... After a 30 minute of explanation, I could finally catch my breath. But the look on Emily's face was priceless! She started fangirling 😂. Before I was about to listen to what she had to say, I went to the bathroom to wash myself up. Also using the bathroom as a guy was almost difficult but I handled it with " proper skills ", I'm just kidding lol. After washing myself up, I looked back at the mirror. My entire body wanted to thank myself. I have turned back to my original body! Well at least I finally knew that I'm living with two bodies from that day on! I looked back at my phone to check the exact time my body changed, it showed 10 o'clock. It felt amazing having my old body back, man, I missed being a girl so much! Well, I had time to suprise the gorilla who was waiting outside for me LOL, so I quickly dashed out of my bathroom and went straight to the living room.

I jumped out and suprised Emily with my original self! She looked stunned! She said, " OMG YOU WERE RIGHT SELENA! YOU'RE GONNA BE A MILLION BUCKS IN THE DAY AND A NORMAL GIRL AT NIGHT! " I face palmed myself and gave a quick slap to Emily on her face. I then asked, " Well, I remembered you came here for one certain reason and that was to NOT fangirl over me, but to have dinner with me right? So you better get your ass over here and start eating before I start kicking you out of my place HAHAHAHA " She then replied, " Hey! No fair! I'm helping you by keeping your secret! Hmph! Well, do you think you can kick me out of here? No way! Not until I tell you everything that I wanted to say and to steal back some of your food for tomorrow :> So be prepared for the worst! HAHAHAHA " Soon enough, Emily told me EVERYTHING while we were having dinner. And oh my goodness, from my point of view, she's the type who would be able to talk to someone for an hour straight without taking breaks! I have mad respect for her especially since I'm her bestie... Right after Emily left, I quickly jumped onto my bed, went to sleep and drifted far far away into my dreams, dreaming about banana's taking over the world....

Writer's Note :
Alrighttt, so there you go! The main characters female side name is Selena! It's quite a basic name, I didn't want an extravagant name. Other than that, you guys might be excited on what's gonna happen to Selena on the next day at work! And yes, Selena is the type who dreams about banana's taking over the world 😂.  Also I think I'm spending way too much time writing than focusing on my real stuff, but I'll try!

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