Double trouble!

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Fear quickly came upon me... I was still in my man form and I had about 25 minutes left to leave before I changed back! Not to mention, Mr. Devil was with me doing his own work.... I soon told him, " Ermm, sir? Sorry to interrupt but there's something wrong with the door.. It's stuck! " The look on his face changed from a-not so serious face to an EXTREME serious face. I myself got scared from his face! He stood up from his seat and went straight towards the door to try and unlock it. But it didn't work! He then said, " It's firmly stuck. Well looks like we're locked in. My phone's dead, let me use your phone to call for maintenance to help us get out. " I quickly took out my phone and handed it to him. Once he made the call, he told me, " Their gonna come and unlock the door but, it's gonna take quite some time. Maybe about 30 minutes they will reach. " My face and body frozed in horror. I thought to myself, " OH SHIT! 30 MINUTES?!? I WON'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO GET OUT! Looks like I have to do that one thing that I'm gonna regret for the rest of my life... *sighs* but it's the only way for me to keep my secret safe. " William then looked at me and asked with curiosity, " What's with the worrisome look? Are you in a hurry or something? "At first, in my mind was, " OF COURSE I AM! I'M A FEW MINUTES AWAY FROM CHANGING BACK TO MY NORMAL SELF! " Soon, I said, " O-oh, erm, I-i just need to go back and visit my mother! I'm suppose to have dinner with her! I don't want to make her wait long! " Then he said, " Don't worry so much, I'm sure your mother won't mind you being a few minutes late. "  I felt slightly annoyed with him but it was about time I made my move towards the CEO.. I waited 5 minutes before my time was up. Once the clock striked at exactly 9.55p.m, I stood up from my seat and pretended to look out the window. I grabbed the opportunity and walked behind William. In the blink of an eye, I knocked out William by hitting him at the side of his neck but not too hard since it might cause permanent damage to him. "
Too bad though, that would have felt good.. but, EH!? WHAT AM I THINKING, I'LL BE SENT TO PRISON! ", I said that while I shooked my head from left to right.

I looked back at William, his body fell flat on his desk. I then whispered in his ear, "  ~ I'm sorry sir. I have no other choice! *sighs*. Please don't fire me once you wake up! T-T ~ "  When it finally became 10 o'clock, I looked at my phones camera to soon realised that I've changed back to a girl. When maintenance FINALLY arrived, they were able to open the door. When they entered the room, I told them in a hurriedly tone, " Hey! Thanks for saving me and my boss, erm, could you help deal with him?  He fainted from the shock of being locked up in a room. And I'm in a lot of hurry, so, I'll leave ya to him. Thanks again! " I quickly dashed out of the building and headed straight home. Once I reached my apartment, I changed into comfier clothes to have dinner by myself. Sadly not with my mother, she's busy traveling in Europe T-T. I looked at my clock to see the time, it showed 11.30p.m. I had an hour left to get ready for my night shift. I told myself, " *sighs*, once I'm done with my night shift, I don't think I can survive the next day! Well, looks like I gotta bare with it till the end! " After I had dinner, I got a text on my other phone. It was from Bryan, but it seemed that it was for Ryan.... This is what the conversation looked like.
( Conversation between Ryan ( Selena ) with Bryan .. )
Bryan: Hey Ryan! I heard that Selena's gonna start working the night shift! But is she still alright though?
Ryan: Hi Bryan! Yeah she is! I was able to convince our new CEO to change her schedule to night time. I have my specialties :) But overall, she's finee. She just left my apartment to head over to work!
Bryan: Oh! That's great! I can't wait to meet her again! It's only been like 2 days? But most of my groups already miss her lol. By the way, did you hear about the new assistant hired by the CEO? I heard he's really good looking! I wonder who that lucky person could be..
Ryan: Erm, that person you're wondering is me.. I somehow got upgraded by the CEO to be his personal assistant haha. Anyways, I gotta go and sleep now. Big day for me tomorrow! Nightt!

I quickly got ready for my night shift. I grabbed a sandwich that I bought at a supermarket and went out the door. Once I stepped inside the building, I reminded myself that I am now a girl. So act as my casual self. Pretend like nothing happened during my absence. I went to my original desk to start my shift. I met up with my colleagues who were also working the night shift and I met some new friends too!  Some told me about the whole new CEO and his good looking assistant... well I had to pretend that I didn't knew even though it was actually me during all that drama.. I continued my night taking pictures, editing and more! I felt like my normal self again...
But not for long, I was writing down a report when I got called in to the office ( Williams office technically ). My face was confused at first, but I just swiftly walked in. Then, my jaw dropped, it was WILLIAM SITTING BY HIS DESK but with a stern and slight angry face?!? He asked me to sit down. He then asked me one of the hardest questions that I honestly thought I could not even answer, he asked while showing me a video clip from todays incident, " What were you doing in my office? I'm sure your cousin, Ryan was the last person I saw in the office before I became unconscious. How did you get in? I'm sure only Ryan had the key to my office, but how did you end up being the last person to leave the office before me? But what's really weird, someone has partially gotten rid of todays incident on my CCTV... Once I woke up, to soon realise that Ryan was gone, I checked my CCTV, and that was the only clip I found.. So, explain yourself! " In my head, I thought, " CRAP! WHAT DO I ANSWER?!?!? "

Writer's Note :
Hiiii, I'm gladly announcing that I've hit 200 followers on my account!!! It's incredible! Words can't express how I feel now! I'm currently dealing with chapter 7 so be prepared! And again THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR LETTING ME HIT 200 FOLLOWERS :)

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