What's going on ?

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My entire body started to tremble. William's body and face were closing in on me fast.

I tried pushing him away. It didn't work.

" L-let, PLEASE LET ME GO! ", I screamed in an angry tone.

Suddenly, someone came in and grabbed William from behind and punched him hard.

He collapsed.

I looked over and noticed Mason.

" WHAT THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! ", Mason asked William with a furious tone.

William stood up from the ground and replied,

" I-I, I'm terribly sorry Selena. The beer is taking it's affect on me. You, you just resemble so much of Ryan. ".

Before I could say a word, Mason said,

" Well, I'm here to tell you this William. Stay away from Selena. Ryan and Selena are two complete different persons.

If you like Ryan so much, then why do this to Selena? For what? Just because they're cousins ?

Even if you think that they resemble each other a lot. Both of them are still different, in their own special way. ".

" You're right. How could I do this to Selena? Maybe it's probably because that I have been having thoughts that Ryan and Selena are exactly the same.

I think I'll take my leave first. Thanks for having me over Selena and again, I'm deeply sorry. ".

" It's alright William. Apology, forgiven. ", I said.

He smiled and walked out the door.

I then turned to Mason. He looked at me and asked,

" Selena? ".

" Yeah ? ".

" How are you so calm after what William had done to you? Aren't you upset? ".

" Even if I was upset, it would be temporarily only. I don't blame him at all. One day, he'll know the truth over the fact that his hunch is correct. ".

" I can bet his reaction will be just, just, disappointment. ", I continued.

" Don't worry Selena. If you ever feel upset, you can hit me. If you ever feel like crying, I'll be here to comfort you. *smiles* ".

Then, Mason walked forward and hugged me.

" I'll be here for you, always. You can count on that. ".

I smiled.

With Mason around, I can feel assure about things. However, there's also William.

Whenever he's around, I feel safe about myself and I don't need to worry about anything.

" This is too much for me. I need to settle things quickly. ", I figured.

I looked at Mason and said,

" Mason? ".

" Yeah? ".

" I wish to get rid of my male body. Completely. ".

" You do? But, I'm not aware on how to do it.".

" Let's go to your place. The letter is there. I desperately want to get rid of this treacherous body. If I don't, my life will be in greater danger. ".

" Alright. Let's go. ".

We both walked towards the door, but while we were about to walk out.

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