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" W-WOAH WOAH, I-I THINK WE HAD ENOUGH KISSING FOR TONIGHT.. " I quickly told William just before we were about to enter my room. He looked at me and my eyes gazed at him, he then asked, " Alright, I get it. But is there a certain reason why you're not letting me see or enter into your bedroom? " I quickly replied, " O-oh, well ermm, I'm sure you have learned that you must respect other peoples privacy space.. And my room is quite messy so I don't wanna embarrass myself.. " I tried to think of other excuses to give towards William but in the end, he accepted it. He then looked at me again and brought me into his arms, my face was turning bright red and he was smiling happily. I was hoping he would let go of me and then, a miracle came in. His phone rang. My face straight away became relieved. He then said, " You honestly think I'm gonna fall for that trick? The first time I did, but the second time? I don't think so. Besides the call isn't important. " I soon said, " W-WHAT?! But what if it's important or something??? You better pick it up! " He gave a slight sigh, then he finally let me freee! He picked up the call and soon had a 20 minute conversation with someone? It was quite long! Once he finished his conversation, he told me, " Well, you're very lucky. It was something important, but if it wasn't, you were gonna be given extra work tomorrow! " I let out a huge smile towards him. Then he stared at me and said, " Hmm, I'll let you get more rest. You don't need to work tomorrow, I'm giving you a day off. I have to go now for a meeting. *leans closer and gives a kiss on the cheek* ~I'll see you soon. " I then told him with a flustered tone, " Aish, c'mon! Just go already! "

Once he left, I double checked outside if he did really leave. After that, I closed my door and checked the time, I had roughly about an hour left before I changed back.. I then told myself, " Pheww, luckily I was able to convince him to not enter my room, if not, he would be asking me dozens of questions.. " Since I had plenty of time to kill, that meant I could FINALLY SLEEP ON MY SOFT BED AHHH! I changed into my comfy pyjamas and threw my entire body and soul on my bed. I felt like I was floating on a never ending moving cloud.. Before I slept, I setted an alarm so that I could wake up. ☁ Then, in less then 2 seconds, I fell asleep. —» fast forward to an hour later.
My alarm started ringing, as my usual self, I offed my alarm and continued sleeping. A minute later, it rang again, and of course I woke up, sat up straight, turned it off and sat back down on my bed. When it came to the third time my alarm rang, I got up ( for real ). I looked at the time and I was 20 MINUTES LATE FOR WORK, OMG. I THREW MYSELF IN MY WORKING CLOTHES AND THEN RAN AS FAST AS PIKACHU ALL THE WAY TO WORK!

Once I finally reached work with sweats dropping from my face, I quickly started my shift ( VERY LATE ). While doing most of my shifts, I had to apologise for coming late! But in the end, it was alright :) After dealing with my shifts, I started preparing meetings, rearranging files, emailing new groups to come in, basically my normal night task. Then, I stood up to get some coffee when suddenly, someone bumped into me or maybe it could be the other way around.. But anyways, I bumped into a new colleague that I've never met before. I noticed that all of her files were scattered on the floor and I insisted on helping her. Soon, I apologised, she as well apologised. I then said, " I'm really sorry for bumping into you! I wasn't looking where I was going! I guess you're one of the colleagues I've heard about! My name is Selena! " The young lady replied, " Oh! It's alright, I too apologise for not looking! Well, I just started and tonight's my first shift. And I'm trying to find my working table, but I'm quite confused and I don't know where.. By the way, my name is Peneolope! " I then said, " Oh! Your working table is a few blocks from mine! I'll show you! " I showed her towards her working table and on the way, I gave her information about our company cause you know, I'm trying to become employee of the month hehe :>
Once that was done, she smiled at me and said, " Thank you so much! I hope we can be good friends! I'll see you later, I have to collect my schedule! Byee! " I then waved at her goodbye and carried on with my work.

Suddenly, on my way to my desk, I felt the presence of someone staring at me.. I looked to my left and saw the eyes of William staring at me! However, his facial expression was quite off.. It seemed as if he was very curious about something.. But I didn't bother too much, UNTIL he called me into his office. I felt slightly worried, but I still went in. I sat down by his desk and he asked me, " You're Selena, right? " I then nodded. He continued, " You're related to Ryan, right? " I nodded again. " Hmm, very interesting. Hmm, you may leave! " William said with a slightly not convinced tone. In my head was like, " YOU ASKED ME TO COME INTO YOUR OFFICE AND THE ONLY THING YOU ASKED WAS 2 QUESTIONS!?!? WTF!? " I then left his office.

Hmm, I was trying to focus on my work but at the same time I was wondering how was Ryan doing.. Not to mention, it was quite weird.. " He didn't even let me near his bedroom! ", I thought to myself. Then, I suddenly heard a crash! I quickly went out of my office and noticed one of the new colleagues and Selena! I then thought to myself, " Hmm, this Selena girl, her personality matches just like Ryan! I heard from Ryan that their related? I better double check.. "
" Well, their related, but I'm still concerned, why do their aura and personalities match?? ", I asked myself with curiosity.

Writer's Note :
Looks like William is catching on to to something... But anyways, I'll be taking a break from writing! I have an exam in just a month, so I need to focus! Very sorryy guys! Once I'm done with my exams, I promise to upload more chapters! I'll return in late October, so stay tune for my future chapters!

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