Getting used to the new life.

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I had to find boyish looking clothes that would suit me, with the help from Emily who's working as a fashion designer and the internet, it was quite worth it. In the end, I came out of my apartment wearing a black sweater, a grey beanie, black jeans, normal sport shoes and round shaped glasses since I'm short sighted. Before leaving for work, Emily asked me, " Hey, erm, I have something to ask, since you're a guy now, what's gonna be your new name?"  " I completely forgot! ", I replied with a shocked tone. While walking to work, both of us started thinking of a name for the new me. There were some weirdly suggested names mentioned like, Gosling, Jim, Carter and more. Then I said, " What about Ryan? ". Emily started jumping up and down like she was getting ready to sit on a rollercoaster or something. She smiled with joy and said, " YES, THATS EXACTLY THE SAME NAME I WAS THINKING OF! ITS PERFECT FOR YOU! ". Then I said, " Pfft, yeah right. " 

Once we reached our workplace, I told Emily that I wouldn't take over my other side's job, instead, I would work in the day as my other body and at night as my original body. I tilted my glasses and made a look on my face showing that I was interested in working. But because of me being a guy, it did not only made my best friend stare at me with her desperate eyes, it basically made all the ladies working there interested in me! That one weird feeling, the feeling of being watched by dozens of women, I thought I would feel weird being in a guy's body. Turns out, I was able to pull it off. I felt the confidence inside of me, one smile from me made almost half the people there faint, drool or something else! ( basically all the things that typical fangirls do ) While walking towards the office, I bumped into a guy with a similar face feature. It was Bryan. My face frozed for a second, but then I remembered that I was in a different body. I said, " My apologies sir. "  He then said, " It's alright, but have you seen a women in her mid twenties?  She has long black hair, brown eyes, maybe about 167cm tall? I'm looking for her. Her department needs her to start a photoshoot. " My face started to worry, I had completely forgot about the important photoshoot, but I couldn't do anything due to my condition. Then, an idea stood in me. I told him,  " Oh her! I know her, she's my cousin! Unfortunately she became sick. She won't be able to make it :( " Emily smirked beside me and said, " Y-yeah she really is in a bad condition. *cough cough* " Emily then whispered in my ear saying that she had to go to do her shift. But before I could say anything, she had already ran off. I showed a slight irritation but when I saw Bryan's face I didn't bothered much about myself.

The look on Bryan's face was just pure disappointment and also sadness. I myself felt incredibly sad for him especially since I'm the person he's looking for, except I'm just hidden underneath a mask that won't ever come off. I told him that she ( me ) would return soon in full condition. He gave me a quick smile in relief. I then asked him for his number so that I could update him on her ( me ) condition and I also had another reason to get a new phone so I wouldn't feel guilty spending my money hehe. I waved goodbye to Bryan and continued to walk towards the office. As soon as I asked for a job application... well I'm sure you guys could guess what had happened...
" After dealing with the office.. "
Long story short, I asked the lady for my application and she instantly gave me the job. I then asked, " Wait, what about my interview?  " She then replied with a blushed face, " ~Oh, it's not necessary for good looking guys to deal with these interviews, you're the lucky guy ~ Call me if you need any help ;) " Later on, she showed me my desk which is located a few doors from my original desk. Once I sat down, another lady came up to me and gave me my schedule and a bouquet of flowers that had a note attached to it, it wrote, " Congratulations!! ♥ ♥ ". I thanked the lady and not too long, I thought to myself, " Wow... being a guy can sure be useful especially when it comes to the ladies and work, but I also can't forget that I'm originally a girl... Time to focus on work! "

I was about to start emailing different companies for any new groups coming in for the day on my laptop when all of a sudden, I heard screaming, but it sounded more like fangirling?! . I looked up from my screen just to know what was all the commotion about and saw a tall handsome man walking inside a meeting. I asked my deskmate who was that. He showed me a complete shocked face, he asked me, " W-WHAT, WAIT ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Like I know you just started working with us but HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW WHO HE IS? He is the son of our ex-CEO, the original CEO decided to retire and had given his company to his son, William. So since you're new, try to make a first good impression on him. I heard he's quite cold-hearted.. but others also say he's nice but only towards certain people. "  My face went wild, " How could our old CEO just retire like that?!? I was good friends with him as well. *Sighs* Never mind, I can deal with his son, maybe he might not be so bad after all. " I told myself in my head. I started to continue my work until my breaktime. I had lunch with a few of my old colleagues and Emily. Once I got back to my desk, it was completely empty! I was thinking and thinking until I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked behind and saw a very familiar face, a face that I DID NOT expect to see... IT WAS THE CEO'S SON, WILLIAM?!

Writer's Note:
The main characters name is now Ryan! But what about the female side.., what name should I put? Maybe I'll reveal it in the next chapter. So if you want to know, just wait till Saturday to find out!! :)

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