Another new day..

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On the following day, I woke up to realise that I've turned back into a man. I told myself, " *sighs*, looks like I have to walk around in this body till 10 o'clock, I better start purchasing on some guy clothes... I can't wear the same thing over and over again.... But at least I can earn extra money during both day and night :) " I then looked  at my phone to check the time, it was still early before my shift, so I went back to sleep. About 20 minutes later, I woke up to the sound of a notification coming from my phone which was slightly weird since it was still quite early. Feeling annoyed and still half asleep, I looked back at my phone. I saw a notification from WeChat, it showed that there was a friend request. Soon enough, I thought to myself in shocked whether I was still dreaming or not, but I wasn't! I even pinched myself just to double check! The request came from WILLIAM?!? Goosebumps started appearing on both of my arms. Without hesitation, I quickly accepted the request and threw my phone aside and tried to go back to sleep. But not too long, I heard notifications again, I grabbed my phone to check who in the world was trying to disturb my beauty sleep. It was William again... He messaged, " Morning, get up sleepyhead. Still asleep? If you don't reply me soon, I'll terminate your contract from the company. " I rubbed my eyes since I still felt sleepy and almost on the verge of exploding. It felt like I was talking to a young mature devil!! I quickly replied with a slight angry expression, " WHAT IS IT?! I'M TRYING TO GET MY BEAUTY SLEEP! AND ALSO, how did you get my number? It's not even time for my shift yet... It's still so earlyyy. T-T " He then replied back stating, " Haha, quite the immature one you are. I was able to find your number in your application form. Anyways, have you forgotten that you're now working as my assistant? As my assistant, you have to be in my office by 7 o'clock in the morning to give me my working schedule. You can get it inside the office at lower ground. So I suggest you better get ready now.... or else.. "

My eyes grew wide open, I replied back, " O-OH, erm, yes! Of course! I'm gonna be there soon! I'll see you at the office! " I checked the time, it was about 6:30am, so I quickly offed my phone and ran straight towards the bathroom to get ready. I came out of my apartment neatly dressed ( barely, since I was rushing.. ), half a slice of bread dangling from my mouth and onwards, I hurriedly rushed over to work. Once I arrived, even though I was sweaty and exhausted from sprinting, I went to lower ground to collect William's schedule and I BARELY managed to arrive at his office before 7 o'clock. I felt relieved once I placed the young devil's schedule on his desk. Soon, I started dealing with my work in his office.. And of course, since his ENTIRE office is transparent, most of my coworkers could see ME, the newly employee, sitting next to the CEO'S desk.. That felt quite bothersome but I tried to focus on my work and move on. Out of the blue, the door opened and a waitress came in and handed me cookies with a glass of milk. On the glass, there was a note, it stated,

" Hey, I'll be a bit late for work, I'm caught in a little bit of traffic. In the meantime, you finish up your shift and enjoy this small treat I've prepared for you :) - William ".

In my head I thought, " ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? HE FORCED ME TO GET UP EARLY, RUSH MY ASS TO HIS OFFICE TO SEND HIS WORKING SCHEDULE AND HE ENDS UP SHOWING UP LATE BECAUSE OF " A LITTLE BIT OF TRAFFIC " ?!? *face palms* But since he decided to prepare me this, I'll ignore the fact that he's coming late and dig in! " I soon ate the cookies, they were chocolate chip cookies, which are my absolute favorite! The glass of milk was so savoury and warm! It was delicious 😋! After finishing up my treat, I wanted to message Emily to see what she was up to since I had plenty of time to spare before dealing with my other works and that devil.. But before I could even take out my phone, a man rushed inside and asked me whether if I was the CEO'S assistant. And sadly, I said yes. At first he looked worry, but now he looked relieved. I asked him, " Is there something wrong? " He then replied, " Oh, no no. I was just worried that the CEO didn't have an assistant yet since he just started working. He needs someone to let him know when is his next meeting, who's on duty, which departments need help with and so on. But now that you're here, there shouldn't be any problem! Here! This is what you need to do as his assistant! Good luck! "

He handed me a file and left the office. I quickly scanned through the file and I honestly wanted to start crying T-T. There was so much to do as his assistant! I didn't know whether I could survive with this huge amount of work! As my life couldn't get any worse, William a.k.a Mr. Devil, came in! He sat by his desk and asked me what was I holding. I told him that it was things I needed to do as his assistant. He then said, " Don't pay too much attention on that, most important thing right now is to focus on your own work and to help me with my schedules. "  I gave a nod and continued my work. He on the other hand, started arranging his files and documents for his meetings. While doing my work, I looked at his face, I thought to myself, " Wow, up close, his face still looks very charming. EH?! What am I thinking! I'm a man now! " William looked at me and gave me a small laugh, he suddenly asked me, " ~ Don't tell me you have fallen for me? " I looked up from my work and said with a shocked tone, " WHATTTTTT N-NO SIR! NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT! " He started to laugh even more and said, " I'm just joking, don't take it too seriously. Looks like you're the type who's quite sensitive as well.. "  I covered my face with work since I could tell that my face was about to turn red! William soon left to attend his meetings. ( finally lol )

At about 9.30pm, I quickly wrapped up all of my shifts and started packing to go home to get some rest. I rushed a little bit since I knew I was gonna change back to my normal self at 10 o'clock. But as soon I was about to leave the office, the door got stucked! I was trapped and was still in my man body! And the worst part, WILLIAM WAS IN THE OFFICE AS WELL!!!!!! I asked myself, " WHAT AM I GONNA DO!!!??? "

Writer's Note :
Hiiii, sorry for not publishing this chapter last night :( I was busy! But now, that's not important! What's gonna happen to Ryan/Selena?? William is also in the same room! Will his/her identity be revealed? Find out in the next chapter!! :>

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