What a gentleman.

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I quickly replied back, " W-WAIT, W-WHAT!? I SAID TO TELL HIM I'M SICK! NOT TO TELL HIM TO COME OVER TO MY PLACE!! AHHHH WHAT DO I DO? WHAT THE HECK DO I DO!!!?!?!?!? " She then replied, " I DONT KNOW, RIGHT AFTER I TOLD HIM YOU WEREN'T GOING TO COME BECAUSE YOU WERE FEELING UNWELL, HE QUICKLY GOT UP AND LEFT! HE ASKED ME WHERE WAS YOUR PLACE AND OF COURSE I HAD TO TELL HIM! BESIDES, MAYBEE THIS MIGHT HELP IMPROVE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM! AHHH, NOW I'M FANGIRLING HAHAHAHAHAHA SORRYYY! " I face palmed myself, praying and hoping that he would NOT come to my place. I feared that my secret would be exposed due to the number of feminine products in my place.. Then, I heard someone knocking at my door. I crossed my fingers hoping it wasn't him, but, I opened the door to see his devilish face and in his hand was a bag filled with all kinds of medicine?? I looked at him and said, " O-oh! H-hi William! I guessed Emily told you about me not feeling well.. But erm, you didn't have to come all the way! I really appreciate it but it's fine! I don't wanna be a burden towards you! " He then said, " Nonsense! As your boss, I have to take care of you! *closes in to my ear and whispers* ~ Besides, I get to spend time with you alone ~ " My face blushed! With slight hesitation, I stilled let him in. He hanged his jacket on the coat rack and handed me the bag filled with medicines. I looked at the bag and soon felt dizzy, I asked him, " Why did you buy so many!?!? It's not like I'm fighting for cancer or anything! I'm only having gastric! *sighs* I guess this stomach ache medicine would work.. Thanks for getting me the medicine :) " After telling him that I had gastric, he soon went straight towards my kitchen area, and started taking out all sorts of ingredients from my fridge and said, " If you're having gastric, that means you haven't been eating well! No wonder you didn't eat much when we had our dinner, you're such a picky eater! Your fridge is packed with food. I'll make you some food, just sit down and get some rest."

I marched over to him and said, " I-it's fine! You don't have to do this! And hey! I'm not a picky eater hmph! *sighs* go ahead. The kitchen is all yours, surprise me with you're cooking skills. *winks* " For the first time in my life I saw William blush... It was quite unexpected.. I sat on my couch and started meddling with my phone, I looked over and saw William cooking. He looked like those professional chefs you would normally see on TV! I kept on staring at him until I got a message. It was from an unknown person, again.. I soon thought, " Could this be the same person who was behind my drastic change? " I looked at the message and I was right! It was the same person. The message wrote,

" Well, it seems you're enjoying your new life in two bodies :) And oh? Seems like you have met someone who deeply cares for you.. Very interesting... Well, I have time before I leave this conversation. Why not you ask me questions? :) "

I typed quickly saying, " Who are you!?!? What did you do that made my life become like this!?!? Are you a wizard or some sort!?!? AND ARE YOU STALKING ME!? HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING IN MY LIFE!?!? " He/She soon replied,

" Well, for starters, I won't state my real name, but you can call me Robin :> It's quite complicated to explain why you became like this.. But overall, it's my fault, I accidentally did something that caused this to happen, especially to you.. And yes, I've been following you lately. But no worries, I know you well and you know me well too! That is as if you remember me... I won't hurt you! But I'll have to keep a close eye on you.. Just in case if something goes wrong.... again! By the way, it was me that helped you to get you out of that sticky situation with your CEO, I have my own skills and talents! Oh! I have to go! As usual this message will be deleted in the next 24 hours! I'll try to get back to you! Byee! "

My brain started malfunctioning.. Not only is this Robin person is someone who I used to know, but he helped me with my situation with William?... I couldn't believe it! With the curiosity of wondering who this " Robin " person was, I ran straight into my room to search for any old pictures I had taken while I was in high school.. But there was nothing! Then, I heard William calling me, " Hey! Ryan! Food is ready! " My stomach started to grumble so I couldn't make my stomach get angry at me! Well, this mystery Robin could be dealt with later.... Time for my tummy to be filled 😋 I ran to my dining table and soon saw what looked like a feast in front of me! I gladly digged in! While I was eating happily, as usual, William kept on looking at me eat.. That was embarrassing! Once I was done eating, he then told me, " Wow, you eat incredibly fast! You must have been starving! No wonder you got gastric! After this, eat your medication. " I then gave a nod. I finished washing my dishes and went to my balcony. Just for fun and to admire the bright stars. Then, out of nowhere, I felt someones arm wrapped around my waist.. It was William. He then asked me with a soft tone, " ~ Hmm, it seems you have no gratitude or respect to those who take care of you so well... Well, aren't you going to say something to me? " I then replied, " W-what?! L-let go of me! Didn't I already say thank you to you before this?? " He placed his head on my shoulder and said, " Yes, you did.. But only for my appearance, my cooking and me bringing medicine for you.. I'm sure there's one more thing left, *smells* mmm, your cologne smells sweet just like your personality.. " My face became red as usual, my heart beating fast as usual, me being cornered by him ALSO AS USUAL! I wanted to be set free but it was too hard! His hands were gripping onto my waist like claws! Then I said, " H-hey! Could you just le- " William cutted me off by pulling me in a strong yet smooth kiss.. Then it came to the one part, I was NOT EXPECTING... we ended up kissing till we reached my bedroom which was filled with all my female products! I thought, " NO! ANYWHERE BUT THERE! MY IDENTITY WILL DEFINITELY BE EXPOSED! "

Writer's Note :
Wow, this is insane! New characters are coming in, especially this mystery Robin, but now, it's focused on Ryan and William.. Or should I call it as #willan? Sorryy I suck at all of these ship names!! Anyways, as usual, I'll see you guys in the next chapter :))

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