Chapter: 3 Breaking a Wild Thing

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Breaking a Wild Thing

Axton was not sure what in hells name possessed him to take action then. The man next to him had just gotten his brains painted all over the back wall, Axton should have been feeling pretty lucky to be alive right about then. But his rebellious nature just took hold of him. He should have taken a moment to really process the chain of events that happened next before he went through with them, but alas he did not. Axton was more of a doer, and much less a thinker. He was impulsive. But of all times to be so.

He just could not hold himself back. Maybe it was that stupid grin clinging to Jack's face that set him off. Maybe it was that hollow, cocky, disgusting chuckle. The way Jack was laughing at him. Mocking him. Taunting his pain, taunting his agony. After everything this man had already put Axton through, this was just the cherry on top. The threat of more horrors to the threat...the promise or more horrors to be inflicted.

Maybe it was a little of all that combined.

Axton hocked back and spit.Everything seemed to stop for a moment. Not a breath was taken, not a sound dropped. Jack's disgustingly pleased expression very quickly melted. He slowly wiped the spit off his cheek with the back of his hand. His mouth down turned in an un-amused, pointed frown. He made a little "hmmph" sound and wiped his hand on his pants daintily. All movements were very slow, painfully slow.

Jack's eyes snapped up to meet Axton's.

"So..." Jack paused slowly "That's how it's going to be, huh kitten?" He finished, heavy frown of displeasure staining his otherwise perfect face.

Axton was stuck between instantly regretting his course of action, and being quite proud of his ballsy move. Jack rocked back on his heels and turned away from Axton slowly offering a dark look over his shoulder.

"Well...seems you are just set on doing this the hard way kiddo." Jack chuckled.

"Like...say...a wild horse. You can't do shit with a wild animal like that. You can't ride it. Can't train it. It won't obey break it." Jack hissed casually.

That smile was creeping back to his lips.

"Looks like I am going to have to break you, huh mustang?" Jack whispered deviously.

Axton just stood his ground. A stare off between two beasts from two different worlds. A full smile broke Jack's emotionless stare. His ridiculously white, perfect teeth on full display for Axton's viewing. Jack snapped his fingers and then turned away from Axton, now addressing his Hyperion goons.

"This one will do. Take him down to the lab. Suit him up, get him ready. I'll be coming down personally to oversee the procedure." Jack said sneering.

And with that he brushed past the two Hyperion workers and was gone. The room felt eerily empty of heaviness with the dissipation of his presence. Axton breathed out long and heavy. His eyes still focused on the door. What were the consequences of his stupid, bullheaded actions? He cursed himself. The Hyperion workers hurried over and grabbed Axton by the shoulders. They clipped a heavy wire lead to his neck collar and tugged.

Axton braced himself as they pulled him forward."C'mon fucker, let's go." The gruffer, heavier man mused.

The scrawnier one chuckled lightly.

"You gotta give the cuss some credit. Takes some balls to spit on Handsome Jack." He said laughing.

The two of them chuckled as they dragged a very displeased Axton behind them.

They exited the doors, then shut and locked them with several automatic heavy mechanisms. The gruff man then pulled a large lever downward and typed a code into the small keypad below it. A light above the door began to flash and a loud earsplitting siren began to wail. Axton winced at the intensity of the sound, his ears still ever so sensitive to noise. Axton could hear hissing behind the doors...and then...screaming.

( Completed ) Pet play | Axton X handsome JackWhere stories live. Discover now