Chapter 24: Not the Man He Used to be

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Not the Man He Used to be

One year later:

"Please, Axton there must be some mistake. I have no clue what stolen Eridium you are talking about." The man said frantically, his hands white as they clutched the arm rests of the chair.

Axton turned slowly in his office chair, his eyes making a slow sweep across his desk only to finally settle on the man sitting petrified in the chair before it. The man was scrawny, his Hyperion uniform clinging to his thin arms awkwardly.

Axton sneered distastefully.

How could such a pathetic little worm of a man really have the balls to steal from him? It was insulting in more ways than one. The stolen portions of Eridium did not amount to much, really they didn't. Mere pocket change in Hyperion's vast wallet...but it was the act that displeased Axton. The fact that such a little, puny, ridiculous man could think he could actually steal from Hyperion and get away with it? He obviously did not have enough fear drilled into his stupid little brain. That was a problem. Axton did not like workers that did not fear him. He did not like workers that did not fear the consequences of crossing him.

Axton leaned backward in his chair with a subtle little creak and thudded his heavy dress boots up on the desk loudly. The scrawny man's eyes darted over the expensive looking footwear unsurely. They were made of some type of hide that he did not recognize.

"T-Those are really nice....skag skin?" The small man stuttered.

Axton made a displeased noise in his throat and shook his head slowly.

"Skag ridiculous. You insult our company by even mentioning such a cruel thing." Axton snarled lowly.

The man looked at him with confused eyes.

"C-Company...?" He questioned softly.

Axton snapped his fingers gently.

Suddenly there was a low rumbling sound from behind Axton's large desk. The scrawny man watched in horror as two massive full grown skags lifted from their laying positions behind Axton's desk and rounded toward him. One came from the right, the other from the left. They chirped and quivered, their mouths opening and closing slowly as they stalked around the desk and began circling the small chair the lean man occupied.

Axton offered the little man a lopsided grin.

"Company." He said in a matter-o-fact type of fashion.

He pointed to the bigger skag adorning a diamond encrusted blue collar.

"Kitten." He addressed the first skag.

He then pointed to the smaller skag adorning a gold and ruby decorated collar.

"Pumpkin." He addressed the second skag.

The slighter man swallowed hard, his throat clenching as he did so. Axton shifted his boots a little as he crossed his arms across his chest lazily.

"These, these are actually the skin of the last worthless fuck that tried to get away with conning Eridium right out from under my nose." Axton breathed grinning widely.

The small man began to chuckle nervously.

Axton did not laugh.

The man immediately choked his laughter short and it trailed off as a little gasping noise.

"Do you think this is a game was your name again?" Axton breathed inspecting his fingernails slowly, not even offering the man his full attention.

( Completed ) Pet play | Axton X handsome JackWhere stories live. Discover now