Chapter 31: Finishing what we Started

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Finishing what we Started

The hallway is bursting with commotion. Workers rushing down the lengthy spaces ready with guns and ready with the will to protect. Jack shoves them aside, feet slapping the tile beneath him. His breath came in unfulfilling shallow pants, his eyes were wild as he went. Nobody enters the room upon Jack's orders, they stay loyally at the door, watching with unsure gazes as blue light emanates from the glassed in space.

Jack barks at them all to lower their goddamned weapons and the ferocity in his voice is enough to shake fear down into their little bones. Jack enters the room without hesitation, without concern, he ignores every warning that had ever been spoken to him and he follows instinct alone.

And when he sees him.

Axton writhes against the machine that he is strapped to for both his own safety and the safety of the entire city of Opportunity. There is panic in his glowering eyes, a fright that Jack has never seen before and hopes to never see again. Tears wet his solid cheeks and teeth grit. He's screaming. He's screaming for Jack.

"Axton!! Hey!! Kiddo! Kiddo! I'm right here! I'm right here!" Jack yells over the sounds of Axton's powers whirring to life like some beautiful and ugly thing.

Axton's frightened eyes flick down to Jack, body stilling for a moment.

"Jack" Axton breathes and there is relief in his voice.

Axton's shaking as he looks to Jack and the sight is wrong. So very wrong.

Jack sweeps across the room, as close as he can get without actually touching the man held by the machine. He wants to touch him. He wants to reach out and comfort him so badly but his right mind holds him back. Axton wants his touch and his wide eyes are suddenly questioning why Jack stands his distance. He can see the want in Jack's eyes and yet the CEO holds back and Axton doesn't know why.

"W-What is this thing?? Jack why can't I move my arms??" Axton questions his voice cracking weakly.

His voice sounds so foreign on Jack's ears, it is low and scared but god it is so good to hear him speak. That voice that Jack surrounded himself with for years having gone absent for so long and it was all his fault. Everything was his fault. He destroyed everything that he'd ever touched and he'd nearly destroyed Axton, but he was alive, he was breathing, he was conscious.

Jack shushed his frightened partner and gently sat in the office chair left idle before Axton's caged form. Jack looked different as Axton peered down upon the CEO. He looked aged, more so than usual, grey streak more apparent, his mask looked as if he'd put it on without clipping the bottom hinge and he had a tired look in his eyes that was unnerving. There were so many things hiding behind the older man's pupils and suddenly Axton was unsure if he really wanted to know what they were.

"It''s for your own safety Axton. It isn't going to hurt you I promise." Jack whispered.

As if his promises were even worth anything these days.

Axton felt his heart slowing slightly, the beating in his chest calming somewhat as he took time to observe his surroundings with a more level head. Though Jack's words ensured him that the machine would not harm him, somehow that did not ease Axton's mind much. The machine was still keeping him from moving and he didn't know why.

"Why can't I move." Axton asked again, more pointed this time.

Jack ran a slow hand through disheveled brunette locks. There is hesitance in his every motion and his every breath. His chest fills with oxygen and it is a slow movement. Jack stays silent and Axton can smell the shame and guilt seeping from the older man's very being. He seems so ragged and so broken and Axton cannot put his finger on why. He tries to remember, but the pieces are so blurry and he must not have slept well because his head is in a fog and his muscles ache. He feels so tired and so worn and everything is too much for his slow brain to grasp onto.

( Completed ) Pet play | Axton X handsome JackWhere stories live. Discover now