Chapter 10: Gun Play

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Gun Play

The morning came all too soon. Axton's stomach was still ridiculously full from the dinner served to him the evening previous. He awoke in his own room. The invitation to bunk down with Jack for a second night had not been extended, and Axton wasn't about to ask to stay. Though he'd wanted to. He'd returned to his small quarters with a twinge of disappointment to swallow down. It was not at all a good taste. But Jack was like that. An unpredictable thing. One night he's inviting Axton into his bed...the next he could make him sleep on the cold ground of a cell. You never knew with him.

Maybe that was half of why Axton felt so god damned attracted to the bastard. He was a loose cannon...much like Axton himself. His whole life was a loose cannon. And now his...partner...lover...master, whatever you would call it, was too. Axton's muscles groaned for more sleep, his eyes not wanting to open to the new morning. It was always night in the small room. With no windows it was always dark. But something had awoken Axton in the early hours of the morning. Something nipping at his heels, something prying him from sleep.

Suddenly there was a loud bang from the hallway.

Axton's eyelids snapped open and he sat up halfway in bed, the sheets pooling around his naked torso. He could hear quite the commotion outside. Heavy footsteps running here and there, the clamber of voices and objects and running and yelling. He furrowed his eyebrows together. Axton hauled himself from the bed and dressed cautiously.

Just as he was pulling on his boots, the heavy door to his room clicked and flung open. Workers. Three of them. Axton looked at them in surprise and curiosity.

"Going on a takedown mission today. Boss want's his body guard front and center." One man said gruffly.

Axton nodded understandingly. The workers handled him like fragile cargo. Cargo that could go off at any moment. Though Jack had taken to not using handcuffs on the commando...the workers still did. For their safety. It was probably better that way. Just in case. He followed willingly. They wound through hallways and corridors, stairways and elevators until finally two sets of massive sliding doors opened to the outside world.

The sunlight bathed Axton's body in a flash of light. He shielded his eyes blindly with the sudden intensity. Axton blinked. Once, twice, three times. Pupils shrinking in the sunlight, eyes squinted into slits. It was the first time in so many months that he'd so much as touched sunlight. True, hot, Pandoran sunlight. God did it ever feel damned good.

Axton paused for a moment, savoring the small second in time. Soaking in the sun, the light, the daytime. He felt its warmth, tasted its rays. It had been so damned long... Like coming out of a long coma. It was so new, so alien to his eyes that had only been in darkness day in and day out. He felt a tug to his lead, and he lurched forward. The worker was not pausing to let Axton relish in the moment. They had places to be and things to do. There was no time for a captive to become re-introduced to the real world and all that dilly dally. Axton's feet instinctively moved, and he was following the workers again. Boots crunched the ground before him, the hot cement hard underneath him.

It was only then that he really took in his surroundings.

Hundreds of loaders stood at the ready. Massive Hyperion technicals sat idling, ready to be set into motion. An army of Hyperion robotics and soldiers all at the ready, armed to the gills...prepared to fight. To fight for Jack. This was his war after all. And he was king here. If he wanted war, he would get it. He always got what he wanted. Always.

They lead Axton to the biggest and most armored technical of the army. It was more ship than vehicle. Its large doors yawned open and Axton was ushered inside. The inside was massive. Two pilot chairs sat at the front then there was a door dividing the pilot room from the back of the technical. The worker punched a code and the door hissed open.

( Completed ) Pet play | Axton X handsome JackWhere stories live. Discover now