Chapter 9: The New Dog of Hyperion

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The New Dog of Hyperion

Axton's eyes rolled beneath his lids. Even behind them he could tell that it was light outside. He blinked awake slowly eyes not wanting to open, body not wanting to cooperate. The sheets were tangled around him like a living thing. Growing out of the mattress entangling him with its soft twists. He heard the slam of a door and his eyes opened with the startle.

Axton blinked against the bright light and lifted up on his elbows. His head was foggy. Waking up out of a dream...wondering if he was still dreaming. Had everything last night been a dream? Jack showing...emotion? It had to have been. Jack being something other than cruel and menacing. Definitely a dream. But As Axton peered around the room, at the bed beneath him, the sheets still swallowing him...he knew it wasn't. Everything...was very real.

"Well good morning fucking sleeping beauty." Jack prodded suddenly leaning over the bed causing the mattress to dip with his weight.

Axton groaned and sat up slowly. Axton looked at the clock on the massive bedside table. It was barely passed six.

Axton grunted.

"Why the fuck are you up so early?" Axton snarled groggily.

"I'm always up this early. Got a planet to run kiddo." Jack chimed straightening his jacket.

He tossed a new uniform onto the bed that Axton had yet to pull himself from.

"Get up and get dressed, we've got a meeting in twenty minutes pet." Jack cooed before leaving the room with another slam of the door.

Axton moaned and slowly dragged himself out of bed. Even after such a hard night's sleep he felt so utterly drained. That bed was too comfortable, he never wanted to leave it. Axton picked up the uniform, and furrowed his eyebrows. This one was different. It was mostly black, with yellow striping here and there and a Hyperion logo on the right side. He slid on the shirt and hauled on the matching pants. Axton turned and admired the newer uniform in one of Jack's many mirrors. It was only right that a man as self-centered as Jack was to have about a million fucking mirrors. Axton slipped on the black Hyperion boots and wiggled his feet. They were nice. A lot less plain and prisoner like. Axton took note of that. They were combat boots that was for sure. They had a homey feel to them. He almost felt like a soldier again. It gave him a whole new spring in his step.

Maybe he'd fucked Jack so good, he felt inclined to be somewhat giving this morning. When Axton finally emerged from the bedroom Jack was already waiting on him in the large living area.

"C'mon kiddo, damn you are slow as Christmas. We need to work on that." Jack mused hurrying Axton along.

Jack paused though as his eyes slunk over Axton, who was still fiddling with the new uniform and its different fit. He took a step toward Axton and pinched his cheeks.

"Oh don't you look fucking adorable. You like? Figured you needed a fresh look. Matches your collar perfectly." Jack swooned over Axton.

Axton jerked his head back, away from Jack's hands and frowned.

"I look like a bumble bee." Axton grimaced.

Jack burst into hysterics at Axton's deadpan comment. He patted Axton's chest still chuckling.

"Always such a snarky little shit." Jack snickered.

"Now, does my sweet little bumble bee think he can behave himself without handcuffs and the leash?" Jack questioned in an overly fake sweet tone waving a finger at Axton.

Axton curled his lip up in distaste for the new nickname.

"Yeah." Axton responded gruffly.

"Promise?" Jack pushed giving Axton a stern look that a parent might give their small child.

( Completed ) Pet play | Axton X handsome JackWhere stories live. Discover now