Chapter 29: To Keep a Promise

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To Keep a Promise

There's pain. He thinks. Or what he assumes is pain. He isn't really sure in that moment. Everything aches, blooming into wild vivid colors before his eyes. He can't grasp onto any one single thought, everything is moving too quickly, memories, thoughts, visions, fluttering by like frightened birds, wings beating against his skull mercilessly. He is still breathing, he thinks. Honestly he isn't sure. He thinks he can feel his heart beating beneath layers of flesh and muscle but there is so much noise it is hard to tell. Fingers work and his tongue flicks against the backs of his teeth. Half of it is blinding, wild, vicious ache, half of it feels like home. He is caught between feelings of fear and utter, gentle peace. He feels like he has come loose from his body, only half real only half there. It feels like lightening in his bones, fire in his veins, screaming voices in the back of his head. Everything is loud and frantic. Everything is shallow breaths and thundering hearts. Everything is so vivid and yet so blurry. It's both beautiful and terrible in the very same breath.

He isn't sure what to feel, like every emotion he had ever experienced was suddenly all forced upon him at once. So hard and so unforgiving. It is sadness, and anger and happiness. It is sorrow, it is power it is strong. He feels strong. So viciously strong. He's never powerful.

Then all stops.

Everything sinks in and he feels utterly, beautifully unburdened. Everything is bliss and quiet. Everything is soft, like an evening sunset, colors all painted over smooth surface.

Axton breathes in deep, lungs filling with much needed oxygen. His eyes flick up to the brilliant colors, soaking them in slowly. It doesn't feel like any world he's ever set foot on. It doesn't feel like Pandora or any of the Edens. It doesn't feel real, and yet in the same breath it is the realest thing he has ever touched. The scents overwhelm his senses. It is like nothing he has ever smelled before, something so pleasant to his nostrils he can't quite place it. It's so beautiful. More beautiful than anything his eyes have ever beheld.

Suddenly there is a voice just behind his ear, sweet and smooth as it touches the tender anatomy. Lips press gently against his neck, causing all the hairs at his nape to stand on end. He sinks into the light touch, sighing against the feeling, boneless and relaxed. Steady arms are there to wrap around him, big, masculine palms that are familiar in their touches. Warm breath puffs against his collar and he melts into the feeling softly. A poison laced chuckle trails closely behind, the sound haunting and gorgeous.

Axton breathes out slowly, eyes fluttering back in his head, his body just heavy.

"Oh are doing so well. You are doing so good." The familiar man whispers to him, slim fingers touching his jaw like slight whispers.

He rounds the commando, movements painfully graceful and calculated.

"What?" Axton whispers a small smile clinging stupidly to his lips.

"Where am I?" Axton huffs his breath shallow and lethargic.

Pearly teeth unsheathe from behind perfect, thin lips. It is a smile that rattles him down to his bones, a smile that is wicked in the same moment that it is beautiful. Glittering heterochromatic eyes play over the strong features of the commando's face. Gentle hands cup his chin, forming around him softly. He lulls into the touch, humming against the flesh weakly.

"You're everywhere...and nowhere." Jack whispers to him and Axton feels a tinge of toxins lingering there.

He feels the venom dripping into his veins, high off of the feeling it brings him. It doesn't make any sense and yet Axton seems to fully understand. This place, it feels like home, it feels like everything that he ever was and ever will be. New and fresh, like being born again. Axton reaches out and touches Jack's slender face, the smooth flesh like velvet beneath his gruff fingers.

( Completed ) Pet play | Axton X handsome JackWhere stories live. Discover now