Chapter 33: Wandering Souls Always Wander Home

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// This is it... the final chapter, hope you enjoyed \\

Wandering Souls Always Wander Home

Twelve Years Later:

Morning sunlight crept through the cracked blinds like an unwanted guest. Bright, brilliant little slivers of warmth that danced over messy bed sheets, over piles of clothing scattered across hardwood floor, over empty bottles of expensive booze and turned over glasses made of crystal. The pretty little clear containers shimmered in the luminous oranges and yellows, casting rainbows over the span of the walls.

The heat of the morning sun roused the sleeping form tangled in the mass of billowing sheets, a low groan slipping from chapped, dry lips. Heterochromatic green and blue orbs cracked open t the new day with an annoyed expression. The brunette hefted himself up onto unsteady elbows, the booze and the early nature of the morning colliding together into a downright vicious beast. A metal hand wisped through disheveled chocolate locks, hiding the lone silver streak amongst the others out of habit.

It was only then that he was aware of eyes trained upon him.

He turned his head lazily, cracking his neck loudly, trying to shake the rough night out of his bones.

"You're getting slower on the recovery there cowboy. Maybe you really are getting old." Came a sultry voice from the other side of the bed.

"Oh lay off it cupcake." Jack snarled gruffly, his voice rough and cracked with sleep.

His tired eyes swept over to his bed company tiredly.

She sat leaned back against the headboard of the grand bed like a queen on her throne, her glistening honey eyes slatted, a cigarette perched between her plump lips. Slender fingers drew the off brand cigarette from her mouth, purple lipstick staining the filter a dark plum. She expelled a long puff of smoke, allowing it to laze up into the air. Her demeanor was vicious, mighty and strong like a goddess amongst lowly men. She always had that aura about her. That was just one of the things Jack found the most intriguing about her. They way she held herself.

She was as poisonous as she was beautiful.

The sting of the toxins only made a man want her more. She was a hell of an enemy and a dangerous friend, keeping her as a lover was teetering on the edge of a death wish, but Jack always had been fond of tiptoeing on the dangerous side of things.

The older man sat up in the messy mass of bedding, a low growl rumbling up from the thick of his throat. His tongue felt like sandpaper against his teeth, the hollows of his maw left parched and dry by the alcohol lingering from the night before. Sleek metallic fingers scraped over his three day old stubble and the scratchy sound brought up another sigh of displeasure from his lungs.

The brunette lifted himself up off the large mattress, the springs groaning with the loss of weight. His feet were heavy as they padded across the span of the large room, feeling piercing yellow eyes watching with all the similarities of a lioness hunting her prey.

Jack offered her a half assed smile, the kind she knew wasn't genuine, but neither of them really much cared. There was never much emphasis upon if either one of them was really invested in the other. There were no rules of a healthy relationship laid out before them. Somewhere along the way the etiquette book for their existence together had been thrown into the wind and been long since covered by dust. They were simply two predators existing together, easier to be with one another than without. Their encounters were normally laced with alcohol, frantic sex and some off-world drugs that gave Jack just the right kick in the teeth he was looking for.

Nisha was mean, cold and hard to really comprehend. She had her moments when a sliver of kindness sifted its way through her hardened shell, but those were few and far between. She was the type of lover that was borderline enemy most the time. Sometimes Jack considered the fact that she might just be the one to off him; possibly strangle him in his sleep. But he'd gladly accept it if that was the way he'd go out.

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