Chapter 7: Drunken Late Night Visits

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Drunken Late Night Visits

Axton's eyes flicked open. He sat up slowly, expecting pain...but there was none. He warily got up, the room was dark, he fumbled around for a light switch and after minutes of searching he finally did. The lights bathed the room richly.

He was back in his room. The one with the lone cot and the small table.

Axton felt weak, and wobbly. He stumbled to the bathroom and turned in the mirror, looking over his bare back. He expected to see jagged wounds where the whip had cut him open, but there were none. Just several long jagged scars now decorating his tanned skin. He reached back and touched them tenderly. They weren't old scars yet, but they were healed.

He instantly wondered how long he had been asleep. How long it took Hyperion's doctors to patch him up this time. Could have been weeks, could have been days. Who knew?

Axton felt like it may have been more on the weeks end of it, judging by how weak he felt. Axton decided on a shower. That would help a little he figured. He turned the water on and slid down the shower wall into a sitting position. The water felt good running down his muscles. He felt the tension in them melting away down the drain. He sighed loudly. He ran his hands through his hair, working the water through his soft, short, locks. He ran his hands up his chin, he was more than stubbly now. He was in need of a shave desperately.

His mind wandered back to the last events he remembered.

The flogger.

The whip...

God the whip.

Axton shuddered coldly.

He'd never felt something so damned painful. He can almost still feel the sharp biting pain of the whip against his back and it makes his skin crawl. He hated him. He was absolutely certain now. If he never laid eyes on the son of a bitch again it would be all too soon. It didn't matter that he had built these weird sorts of feelings for the man, that didn't matter anymore. How could he feel attracted to someone who had done that to him...whipped him like an animal?

Whipped him without remorse...

Well nearly no remorse. Axton flashed back to the look in Jack's steely eyes.

Green and blue confused with unknown feelings. Dealing with things that shouldn't have been stirring there.

Was it regret? Or had he simply become bored with the action. had to have been some form of guilt. But does Handsome Jack even feel things such as guilt? It didn't seem likely. But Axton could wonder all the same. He lathered himself up with the cheap bar of soap left for him in the small shower shelf. It smelled odd, but better than what he already smelled like. It was obvious he hadn't been allowed a shower in a while. He pressed his palms against his eyes and groaned lowly.

How long could he really withstand all this? How much more could he possibly lose? His dignity had gone out the window a long time ago. His sanity was about gone. He'd lost it all really. Lost his friends, his way of living...any shred of normal life was gone. Not that it was very normal to begin with...but it was better than this. Better than being pushed and pulled by a crazed maniac.

One second Axton was his prized pet, the next he was lashed to the whipping post. He shivered again and pulled his knees up to his chin. The water was warm. It served as this little slice of a false heaven in this insanity he had fallen into.

But he was still alive. That counted for something...didn't it? He wasn't even sure anymore. He half wished he'd just starved in that damned cell. Then he wouldn't have had to go through all this mess. All the loss of his conscience, and feeling and morals...that was all gone. He wasn't even sure who he was anymore. He just sat silently in on the shower floor. Letting himself be buried in the thoughts. Buried in the realizations. It was unpleasant. He wanted it to all stop. But he knew it couldn't.

( Completed ) Pet play | Axton X handsome JackWhere stories live. Discover now