Chapter 21: In the Rain, In the Mud, In the Dark

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In the Rain, In the Mud, In the Dark

Three days felt like an eternity. The hours passed slow and weak, dragging themselves through time and space. Axton laid on his back across the small cot, the lumpy mattress was hard and uncomfortable. A few more hours and he would be home. Back in Opportunity in a familiar bed where he could actually get a good night's sleep.

He sighed lowly and blinked in the darkness. Hyperion was home, and he'd be damned if he didn't miss it. His time as a Vault Hunter had long passed, he knew that now. He was not like them anymore. All he was, was angry with them. Backstabbing, two faced, bandits...just like the rest of them. He just wanted to be back to work, get back to moving shipments and keeping busy. He actually missed the work day, and damned sure missed going home to Jack's living quarters after. Going home to their living quarters. A space in which they shared and existed. Things had been rocky, things had been rough...but they would heal. He just wanted to patch them. Wanted to talk with Jack, wanted to work through all the horrors they had been through. Axton closed his eyes for a moment. He was ready for Jack's warm arms and soft voice. He was ready for the touch of the other man's lips and the look in his mismatched eyes when he spoke to the commando. He was ready for warm showers and good meals adorned with wine and cheese.

He was ready for hot, after dinner sex with Jack on the grand couch. He was ready to put all the pieces back together. He was just ready to go home. Away from this place that stunk of his past and what he had been. This was no place for him anymore. He had no place amongst the "hero's". That was jus the way it had to be, and he was ok with that. The sooner he was gone from this stinking little cell...the better.

He wanted nothing more to do with these people he had once called friends. Lilith could go fuck herself. Axton gritted his teeth at the thought of her name. Axton laced his fingers across his chest and swallowed hard. Just a few more hours. He could make it. It would all be worth it.

The sound of faint footsteps kissed his ears lightly. He sat up on the cot gently as the gunzerker came into view.

Salvador silently grabbed a small folding chair and dragged it over to the cell door. He plopped himself in the chair and leaned his elbows on his knees peering in at Axton thoughtfully. He let loose of a long shaky breath and made a contemplating face at the commando.

"You sure you wanna go back amigo?" Salvador questioned suddenly.

Axton swung his legs over the side of the cot and sat facing the shorter man. Axton rubbed his fingers across his now bearded chin. He'd gone without a shave for over a weak and he was slowly beginning to resemble a lumberjack. He scratched his jaw and sighed before finally answering.

"Yeah. I am." Axton whispered looking at Salvador.

Salvador chewed his lip and ran his fingers through his hair.

Conversation had always been hard for the gunzerker. He was better at just screaming, and running into battle and killing things. Talking was not one of his strong points. Most days he simply felt grunting noises counted as good conversation, but Axton could tell the short, odd, little man was really trying now.

"Amigo, I gotta ask you why, you know I do. Off record, doesn't have nuthin' to do with what all those idiots upstairs have been pestering you about. I just gotta know. I worry about ya." Salvador breathed fidgeting with his fingers.

Axton let loose of a low, heavy breath.

"God damned Sal...If I told you, you wouldn't ever forgive me...most likely wouldn't believe me either." Axton whispered.

Salvador frowned at him through the iron bars.

"Let's get one thing straight amigo...Roland may not have wanted to save you and wrote you off as a lost cause...but Zero and I and Maya...we wouldn't take that lying down. We tried to save do you think Maya got herself into this situation? Jack's loaders...they were stronger than we bargained for. We tried. The others didn't agree with it...but we knew you were still alive. We had to. Couldn't imagine the commando let those Hyperion fucks do him in. I just wanted you to know that." Salvador whispered sadly.

( Completed ) Pet play | Axton X handsome JackWhere stories live. Discover now