Chapter 12: Old Scars

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Old Scars

Axton's eyes rolled underneath his lids. Natures calling rudely shook him out of his heavy sleep. Axton grumbled softly and his tired eyes pried open. His bladder gave another weak throb for release and he sighed heavily. He rolled onto his back and stretched his arms up over his head. He opened his eyes fully and breathed out. The comforters we wrapped around his body up to his chin, thrown around him in a tangled mess. His eyes flicked to the space next to him, where Jack should have been. It proved empty. There was just a bed, absent of its occupant, the comforters thrown back where Jack had left them. Axton pushed up on his elbows and furrowed his eyebrows together. He sat up in bed and yawned widely. He would have given anything to just stay in bed. But his full bladder begged to differ.

He pressed his palms against his eyeballs and tried to pry his body from its lethargic state. Axton peered around the room slowly, in search of his counterpart but the room lay empty. He shrugged and hauled himself out of the oversized bed. He shuffled across the room, trying to get his bearings clumsily. Axton grabbed for the bathroom door handle in the dimly lit room. His fingers wrapped around the knob and he yanked the door handle open.

Axton was too tired and too focused on his need to take a piss to even think about knocking. He never heard the shower running. Axton did not even notice the figure through the fogged glass of the shower. His bladder was too full and he was too lethargic to even realize he was not alone. Axton wandered over to the toilet and went about his business. Axton closed his eyes and breathed out at the sweet feeling of release. It was only then that his tired eyes noticed something odd on the bathroom counter next to him. Just as Axton finished...he realized what it was.

Sitting on the luxurious counter...was Jack's mask.

Axton's eyes grew wide as he turned on his heel...just in time for a very, very surprised Jack to turn in the shower...and realize he wasn't alone. Axton's eyes widened as he looked upon Jack.

Jack seemed to freeze as their eyes met.

Through the clear shower door Axton had a clear view of Jack's unmasked face. A massive scar spread up one side of Jack's face and fell down the other, directly over his left eye, which seemed to be blind. His one good eye, the blue one, was wide with horror.

"Shit...Jack...I'm sorry I shoulda knocked..." Axton stuttered backing away and nearly tripping over his feet.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING !?!?!" Jack bellowed turning away from Axton, seeming to crumple in on himself, covering his face instinctually.

"Jack, fuck I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." Axton stuttered standing dumbly in the bathroom, stumbling for words and thoughts.

What in the world could even make such a scar? Axton thought grimly.

He instantly felt...somewhat...sorry for Jack. The mask was a front. A feeble way to cling to looks he must have had at one time. This was what Jack was hiding...his past. The mask was simply something to hide behind. Handsome Jack was the god of this planet he feared nothing, bowed to nothing. And yet even he had secrets.

A deep frown formed on Axton's lips.

"GET OUT!!!!!" Jack yelled desperately.

Axton could hear the change of tone in his voice. The shame and the sadness. The anger.

"Jack..." Axton tried sadly as he approached the shower.

"I SAID GET OUT!!!!" Jack screamed.

Axton frowned and took a deep breath. He was putting his very life in danger by doing this...

( Completed ) Pet play | Axton X handsome JackWhere stories live. Discover now