Chapter 8: Breakfast and Bad Words

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Breakfast and Bad Words

Axton awoke slowly, being dragged out of sleep by low groaning beside him. His eyes opened just a crack and looked to his side. The realization of everything that had happened washed back over him harshly. Axton could feel his heart thumping in his chest.

Jack was still next to him, right where he'd left him the night before...except he was waking up much less easy going... Axton swallowed hard and just laid there. It was most likely best not to make any kinds of sudden movements. The man's back was toward Axton, bare except where the covers had tangled around his waist. He stirred slightly, another low groan from that side of the bed. Jack shifted more now, slowly pulling from sleep's confines. His hands immediately went to his head where he pressed his palms against it groaning.

"What...the fuck..." Jack groaned lowly, still rousing himself.

Axton stayed absolutely silent, fear rising in him. God this was such a bad idea.

" fucking head..." Jack moaned pressing against his eye sockets now, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

Jack slowly leaned up on one elbow, groaning with the slight bit of motion. And then he seemed to stop dead, as if the realization had hit him that he was not in his own room. The biting question of where the fuck was he hit him like a ton of bricks. He threw the sheets off him as if they were snakes that had come right out of the bed. He made a disgusted little sound when he realized his naked state, and then whipped his head toward Axton's side of the bed. Confused eyes were instantaneously furious as they laid on Axton.

Axton sat up slowly, cautiously.

"Don't freak out." Axton said slowly.

Jack's eyes seared holes through Axton.

"What...the fuck...happened here?" Jack spat, nearly shaking with rage.

Axton scooted back a little, hands raised in defense.

"Look, Jack you showed up really drunk, you wouldn't leave so I just put you to bed." Axton countered fearfully.

Jack's eyes were merely narrowed slits.

"Where the fuck are my goddamned clothes!?" Jack bellowed.

Axton just pointed toward the bathroom.

"You fucking took them all off and I couldn't get them back on were stinking piss drunk!" Axton defended weakly.

Such a bad idea.

All of this.

Bad, bad, bad.

Jack gritted his teeth in anger. Jack threw the sheets away irritably and stood as quickly as his body would allow possible. Immediate pain from his head...and other areas was apparent across his face. He whipped back giving Axton possibly the dirtiest look he'd ever had the pleasure of seeing.

"My ass...hurts. Did you fuck me???" Jack snarled loudly.

Axton winced at the accusation.

"I asked you a goddamned question!! DID YOU FUCK ME???" Jack yelled.

He stuttered for an answer shrugging and trying to make words.

"Jack were kinda insistent...I didn't know what to do! You told me to obey you! You were drunk but you gave me orders!" Axton retorted.

Jack looked like he might implode on the spot. He crossed the room without another word and disappeared into the bathroom. Axton could hear the jingling of pants being redone and the rustling of clothes being put back on. When Jack emerged, his face had softened...but only slightly.

( Completed ) Pet play | Axton X handsome JackWhere stories live. Discover now