Chapter 14: I Love You Because I Own You

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I Love You Because I Own You

The early morning silence was broken by the sudden, shrill, chime of an echo device begging for attention. Jack rolled over in bed, searching blindly in the dark for the source of the noise. His hand thrashed across the bedside table, knocking over an empty glass and his contact container in the process. Finally his slender fingers grabbed the box like form of the echo, and he punched the answer button on its side. There was the sound of static, and then a jagged voice came over the echo-net.

"Sir, we have a bit of a situation." The broken voice uttered.

Jack groaned and squinted in the faint glow of the echo device.

"You better pray it really is quite the fucking situation. Because if it's not, I will personally find you, and rip your windpipe out." Jack snarled maliciously, lethargy and anger intermixing in his gruff voice.

"Sir, I assure you it is an emergency. You are needed in the new prisoner holding deck, right away." The voice crackled.

Jack ground his teeth together and scratched the back of his head tiredly.

"New prisoner holding deck...? Why, what the fuck is going on?" Jack snapped.

"Sir...we've...we've successfully captured...a siren." The voice managed through the heavy static.

Jack's eyes widened, and then sunk into terrifying little slits.

"I'll be right down." He snarled, a devious grin spreading across his lips. Jack's feet hit the floor with a thud that jolted his counterpart out of his slumber.

Axton leaned up on his elbows, eyes furrowed and tired. He threw Jack a confused glance as the president went about tugging on his clothes in much more of a hurry than the norm. Jack was an early riser...but this was ridiculous.

"Boss, what are you doing? It's way too damned early to be up..." Axton groaned from the bed.

"We've got an emergency. Get dressed, now." Jack snapped pulling on his overcoat.

Axton swallowed his pride, shrinking at the barked order. He knew when it was time to shut up and obey Jack this was obviously going to be one of those times. What in the world had his feathers so rustled? Axton jumped out of bed and was throwing on his uniform before Jack could bite off another pointed order at him. Jack was out the door in seconds, the commando trailing his heels. He could hardly keep up with the CEO's quickened pace as he wound down the hallways, fists clenched, eyes fierce.

Axton did not question. He knew better than to question Jack when he was like this. Questions, words, comments, all were off limits when Jack was like this.

They stood before the massive doors labeled, "New Prisoner Holding Deck". Jack slammed in the code and the doors slid open with a hiss. The deck was a mass of running workers and clattering tools. Axton stood behind Jack, eyes prying the situation with curiosity and worry. It was then that the double doors at the end of the corridor burst forth, and the entire space was filled with screams. They were blood curdling. Shrill, vicious, and panicked.

A group of workers sprinted toward them, all gathered around a gurney, wheeling it frantically toward one of the medical rooms. All Axton could see was a flash of an arm hanging from the gurney through the huddled figures of the workers. The hand was slender, fingers fine and feminine. The skin was pale, save the parts that were covered in blood. There was so much blood. The gurney had left a trail of dripping crimson in its wake. The workers wheeled the table into the medical lab, scurrying like roaches, yelling at each other in panic and hurry.

( Completed ) Pet play | Axton X handsome JackWhere stories live. Discover now