Chapter 5: Leashes and Collars

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Leashes and Collars

A loud slam startled Axton out of heavy, alcohol induced sleep. His eyes slowly opened, protesting the action in every way possible. The light was intense and bright, much brighter than normal. Being roused from sleep only made him that much more aware of his pounding head and aching body. He groaned lowly from his curled up position on the bathroom floor. The tile was cold and hard and very uncomfortable. But he couldn't bring himself to get up off of it.

He felt like shit warmed over. He'd had way too much to drink in his weakened state and now he was paying for it. He could hardly process thought through the throbbing of his head. He never wanted to so much as smell whiskey again at the moment. Just the thought of it made his stomach turn. But he refused to let himself even considering vomiting. This was the first time in weeks he'd had anything substantial in his stomach and he'd fight everything to keep it down. He rubbed his aching head and moaned lowly. He'd almost forgotten the good old feeling of a retched hangover. It had been a while.

It took him a moment to really get his bearings and think about what had gotten him into this nasty situation.

That bastard Jack.

The whiskey.

The food.

More whiskey.

Even more whiskey.

And then...that bastard Jack...underneath him.

Axton felt his stomach drop.

The sudden realization of the night's events hit him like a ton of bricks, bowling him over, making his heart nearly skip a beat. He only remembered pieces of the night. Fragments coming back to him like fluttering pieces of paper in the wind. Memories slowly slipped back to him, allowing him to revisit the night previous. The heat between him and the masked man. The drunken kisses. The loud untamed moans. The fucking...the coming.

Axton's lips down turned in a displeased frown. He felt shame and disgust and a whole lot of regret. That was a tall drink that he couldn't really manage to keep down. He felt even sicker than he already did. Even worse...he wasn't entirely sure he regretted everything. He was losing it. Or had already completely lost it. That was it, he was nuts, he was now sure of it.

The fact that the nights events left him with a little burning in his gut and a twisting that was not all bad led him to believe he was indeed crazy. Totally crazy. Over the course of being in this nightmarish place, he'd managed to lose the better part of his common sense. His moral most likely went with it.

That was all that could explain last night, and the feeling he was dealing with now. Last night could be blamed mostly on the drink, but now...what could now be blamed on? The way Jack had looked beneath him. Panting, and flustered, and needy. Hair a mess, mouth huffing, neck flushed, body moving and asking for more. For more of Axton. For more of everything.

The stir in Axton's groin at the thought only convinces him further that he has lost it.

Get yourself together Axton....He thinks to himself frantically.

Suddenly there's a loud clap right next to Axton's ear. The sharp, quick sound of hands slamming together might as well have been cannon fire to Axton. He startles and jumps into a sitting position, feet scrambling against the tile. He immediately regrets the quick movement as a wave of nausea washes over him. He moans and clutches his stomach. The room seems to be spinning from this new position and Axton's stomach only threatens more harshly to empty its contents onto the floor. No. Hold it down. You need the nourishment. He thinks squeezing his eyes shut. God only knew when he might get another meal like that, he needed it. Needed to keep it to keep what little strength he had found.

( Completed ) Pet play | Axton X handsome JackWhere stories live. Discover now