Chapter 18: The Missing Piece

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The Missing Piece

In the morning, Jack was already gone when Axton finally came around. Axton lifted up on tired elbows, his head foggy and his eyes still adjusting to the morning. He felt the way one may feel after a one night stand. It was damned have Jack, to need him. But now in the reality of the new dawn, all Axton felt was sick with himself. He kept saying he wouldn't do it again. Wouldn't put himself through it again. Yet, he went back again and again. Jack was a drug, and Axton was a hopeless addict. A fucking junkie of the worst possible variety. He just couldn't kick the vile habit of loving a fucking psychopath. He couldn't stop it, couldn't control it. It ruled him like a king ruled a land. Ate at his heels like a small animal begging for scraps.

Axton ran his hands through his hair and pressed his palms against his eye sockets. His breath came out in a shameful groan. He deserved better than this. This roller coaster ride of a relationship.

He shook his head slowly. This was all he had. The only thing he could call his. This life was fucked, but it was his. He owned it and it was he who had to deal with it. He had to take care of it, no matter how bad things got. It would always be his to own, and own it he would.

He threw the covers back from his naked body, just another reminder of how weak he'd been the night previous. Weak and worthless. Believing Jack was even the least bit sorry, how fucking stupid of him.

But the way Jack had human...

All of that couldn't have been a front? There was something genuine there. There just had to have been. Axton pried himself from the bed weakly. Axton looked out the large window. The day was nearly as black as the night had been. Massive ominous clouds clung to the sky like dark creatures. A rolling growl of thunder shook through the room from some far off storm creeping toward Opportunity.

Axton roused himself and began to pull on his uniform. For some reason this morning felt unusual. Something felt some unknown sense of doom lingering in the air. Axton frowned as he pulled on his boots, glancing out the window just in time to catch a flash of lighting as it illuminated the outside world. Thunder followed it close behind, like a stalking thing, rolling across the heavens like a great beast.

Axton flinched at the cannon like boom and swore he felt the very frame of the building shudder at the sound. He adjusted the collar of his uniform and sighed outwardly. Something deep in his gut just willed him to stay in bed.

Don't go.

Things are creeping out there, it said.

Things are crawling out there, it said.

Stay, it said.

You will be sorry if you go, it said.

Axton paused at the door for a split second, fingers just barely grasping the doorknob. He shook his head and willed the door open. He was just being stupid. He walked on, leaving the bedroom behind him, despite everything in his body protesting the action.

Suddenly there was a small crackle in his earpiece. The mechanical Hyperion default voice came across the echo net harshly.

"Commander Axton, your assistance is needed on the basement floor level, room 223"

Axton clicked the small button on his headset.

"On my way." He responded gruffly.

The ride downward in the elevator felt slow. Axton was alone, standing there lost in his thoughts, feeling the machine rock slightly on its decent. The lights in the elevator flickered weakly and Axton looked up at them with curious eyes.

( Completed ) Pet play | Axton X handsome JackWhere stories live. Discover now