Chapter 28: The Dark Soul

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The Dark Soul

Axton sat upon the small plush chair pushed against the wall of the room, watching with extremely concerned eyes as the doctor picked up a syringe and tested it slowly, squirting a little liquid onto the tile floor. Pumpkin chirped unsurely poking her massive head in the doorframe of the small room curiously. Axton looked over at her, commanded her to stay and shushed her softly.

The older male perched casually on the medical table furrowed his eyebrows together and looked to Axton.

"What's wrong with her?" Jack asked Axton suddenly.

Axton knew he was just trying to strike up conversation to attempt to take his mind off the needle in the doctor's palms. Jack did not like needles, and Axton knew inside the President was near reeling at the mere sight of the syringe.

"She's worried about you." Axton shrugged trying to offer the president a small smile.

Jack smiled hesitantly and made some reassuring noises at the big Skag laying across the doorway.

She chirped back at him and rested her chin on her drawn up feet, still not convinced that man with the needle wasn't out to hurt her new favorite human.

The doctor grabbed Jack's arm and the male stiffened, turning his head away and wincing as the needle punctured his arm. The doctor injected the full dosage and retracted the needle slowly.

Jack let loose of a small 'fuck' from under his breath and shifted his arm hesitantly.

"There now, was that so bad you big baby?" Axton chortled leaning his elbow on his knee and cocking an eyebrow at the CEO.

Jack merely glared hatefully at the younger man.

"So help me I will tie you to a post and leave you out in the dust kiddo." Jack snarled angrily.

"Naw, you'd miss me too much boss." Axton retorted smiling.

Jack huffed out and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah I'd miss you like I'd miss a burr in my ass." Jack snorted in return.

Axton threw him a heartbreaking, lopsided grin.

"Why you gotta be so mean boss?" Axton pouted.

Jack straightened his back a little and looked at Axton with cool, powerful eyes.

"Because mean is what I do kiddo. You should know that by now." Jack snarled.

Once Jack's arm was successfully numb the doctor went about making a small incision in the president's lower shoulder. Axton watched protectively as the doctor carefully peeled back the skin and removed the tiny capsule from Jack's flesh, setting it gingerly down in a silver tray. The waiting scientists carefully enclosed it in a steel, padded box and looked to Jack for instructions.

"Take it down to the eridium testing lab. Lock it up in the back room. It needs to be refrigerated for twenty four hours and monitored." Jack barked watching them carefully as they nodded at the instructions.

"That little capsule is worth more than all of your lives. Do you understand me. I want the best security on that room at all times. I want everything we have protecting it." Jack snarled as the doctor bandaged his arm carefully.

"Would you hurry up. I don't have all day." Jack snarled to the doctor who hurried his pace tenfold.

Axton stood suddenly and looked at the scientists narrowly.

Axton motioned for the scientists to come with him.

"I'll escort them." Axton growled lowly.

Jack nodded and hefted himself down off the table, working his arm slowly, his muscles still numbed.

( Completed ) Pet play | Axton X handsome JackWhere stories live. Discover now