Chapter 27: A Monster They Had Long Ago Killed

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Her fingers twitched on the handle of the gun she held loosely, half leaning its barrel on the old wooden table. Her eyes were cold and unwavering as she stared out the fogged window. The world outside was dark and ominous. The sky threatening to dump rain upon the dry earth at any moment. She drummed her free fingers on the old wood slowly, creating a lazy, dangerous rhythm in the silence of the room. She did not move a muscle, her back straight against the unstable chair she sat upon. The small makeshift shelter was dirty and unfit for living in all reality.

But this was what they had been reduced to. This was what they had been forced to endure. All because....of him.

The red haired siren snarled her teeth up into a distasteful grimace. When Handsome Jack came to this planet, waging war on its inhabitants, claiming he would bring peace to the trash hole of a world, the siren had thought there could never be a man born that could match Jack's level of insanity. She never thought there could be another human that could be more viciously evil. Jack was a monster disguised in man's clothing. She saw him for what he was. A beast. A beast that would bring the planet to it's knees and he would not let anything get in his way. He would shed blood and take lives. He would kill the innocent and he would not feel guilt, he would not feel remorse. She never thought there would be anything more threatening to Pandora than him.

God was she wrong.

She was so fucking wrong.

Jack was a monster of a different kind. A monster that could create monsters of others. A monster that could make beasts of men and control them like puppets. He could press anybody he liked under his thumb...and he had. He'd taken the commando, once a bold, brave, strong vault hunter and he had morphed him into something wicked. He'd molded him into the perfect little killing machine. Lilith would never know exactly how Jack had done it. How he had taken a man so loyal to his team, and turned him against everybody he once knew and loved. How he could make such a monster of such a trustworthy man. How he could have swayed Axton to throw everything away. All his friends, his comrades....everything. How he could have convinced the commando to give up his freedom. That was the biggest question to her. How could Jack tame such a wild thing? Axton was a loose cannon, doing what he would, when he would and never thinking twice about the fact. He charged into battle like a raging bull, all horns and snot, blazing and roaring. He was never subtle and never listened to orders. In fact that was why she and the commando had butted heads so very often. Lilith tried to get him to listen, and yet he would always manage to just do it his way. Axton always got his way. He was a beast born in the wild, and he answered to nobody, listened to no man. So in the world....had Jack swayed the commando to obey his every command. To come when the Hyperion overlord so much as snapped his fingers.

Lilith slammed her fist down on the table in rage, shaking the small piece of furniture on it's rickety legs. How did he do it? How could he have managed such a feat?

Lilith thought back to how Axton had screamed when she'd forced Zed to remove the ridiculous little collar around his neck. They'd had to strap the thrashing man down with heavy restraints to keep him from flailing. He'd fought the whole way down, screaming absolute bloody murder when Zed began the procedure. Lilith knew the screams weren't from pain. She'd watched Axton take bullets, rockets and blows from loaders without even so much as a shed tear or a grunt of pain from the stubborn man. But god how he'd screamed when they removed that thing. Lilith remembered holding the heavy collar in her hands, observing the name tag with ice in her eyes.

"Axton, Property of Handsome Jack" is what the shimmering little thing had said. All glistening with diamonds and gold. It was stupidly distasteful and had Jack's name practically written all over it. It stunk of Jack's horrid expensive tastes and retched humor. Why Axton had fought so hard for something that labeled him as anybody's "property" she could never wrap her head around. Axton was nobodies property, especially not Handsome Jack's. Handsome Jack, the very man Axton had sworn to kill with his bare hands. Lilith could clearly remember all the times they'd joked about stripping the stupid bastard of his mask and finally getting a look at whatever the hell was under the thing. None of it made sense to her.

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