Chapter 15: Thw Whole Truth

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The Whole Truth

Axton sat with his head in his hands, his elbows leaned on his knees as he folded in on himself. He sat silent and unmoving. His pitiful form seemed to wilt into the floor. Melting away like some sad memory of the human he once was. He couldn't even call himself that anymore.

He could barely remember what it was like.

Freedom, free will, the right to think and act like anything other than an animal.

That was all he was.

An animal.

A dog.

A mutt.

He sighed into his palms and rubbed his skin against his stubble ridden chin. His five o'clock shadow was getting a little out of hand. He needed a shower and a shave. Not to mention there was still the lingering taste of vomit in his mouth.

Axton grimaced.

But he dared not even attempt leaving the hospital room. He couldn't go back to Jack's quarters after their...disagreement. Hell that was a massive understatement if ever there was one. Disagreement nothing. More like a full on cage match of a fight, and Jack had won. Just like Jack always does. Jack wins.

No matter what.

Didn't matter what game it was, or what fight it was....Jack would always come out on top. Jack had turned his back and left Axton lying there on the hallway floor hours ago. Left him there like unwanted garbage that had not been taken out on trash day. He'd squeezed Axton's cheeks, in that rough, not so loving way he always did when he was displeased and he'd left him there. His eyes had been cold, and his grin had been even colder. He'd left him with nothing but that icy madman like grin and a few simple words to mull over.

"I believe you really need to think about what side you are on commando." Jack had said slyly before disappearing down the hallway.

His footsteps had become more and more distant until they had faded completely, and Axton had continued to lay there. He hadn't even been sure he really wanted to get up at all.

What was the point? Haul himself up only to most assuredly be met by Jack's wrath, and what for? For nothing.

After what seemed like an eternity Axton had scraped himself up off the tile and had wandered into Maya's room. It seemed like the only place he really had to go. He couldn't go back to Jack. Not now. Not after all that. Jack hadn't called for him, and so he would wait it out here. He could only imagine the punishments Jack was stewing up in his twisted brain. He didn't want to have to deal with that...not yet at least. But most important of all, he could not leave. He'd made a promise. A promise to be here when Maya awoke, and he didn't plan on letting her down.

His eyes flicked to the hospital bed where the weakened Siren laid.

Her heavy eyelashes fell over her soft cheeks, closed in heavy slumber that she desperately needed. She looked like a fragile china doll, constantly at risk of simply breaking apart on spot. That was certainly one of the most disturbing aspects of the whole thing. Maya was anything but fragile, and yet here she was...reduced to such a state.

Axton frowned deeply.

The monitor provided a steady sound in the otherwise silent room. It was late now, and most the workers and doctors had faded away from the new prisoner ward. The hallway's lights were dimmed, leaving the space outside the hospital room shadowed and dark. Like something out of a horror film the few florescent lights that were still on flickered and buzzed tiredly.

( Completed ) Pet play | Axton X handsome JackWhere stories live. Discover now