Chapter 11: Maid Service

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Maid Service

The impact was like a shock wave that reverberated up through Axton's arm as his fist connected with Jack's face. He felt the bite as a hinge dung into his knuckles. He knew there would be blood. Jack stumbled backward, bracing unsteadily. And then Axton noticed it. It seemed like everything was in slow motion suddenly. The impact of Axton's hit...had shaken loose the mask that Jack was never, ever without. The hinges came undone, and the skin colored mask was now tumbling into the dirt. It hit, and teetered to a stop a few feet from the two men.

Axton drew in a breath, arm still outstretched from the hit, his eyes wide as they traveled up to Jack. The motion was so fast, Axton barely got a glimpse of Jack's mortified look. His eyes were wide as dinner plates. Axton's face screwed up into a look of confusion.

What was that across Jack's face?

He didn't have much time to get a good look, and it was hard to even really make out what he was seeing in the dark room. Jack's hands snapped up to cover his face and he let loose a horrified screech like Axton had never before heard.

"MY MASK! WHERE THE FUCK IS MY MASK!?" Jack yelled in panic, burying his face in his hands away from Axton's eyes.

Axton let his hand slowly fall as he watched Jack spiral into a full on panic attack. What was so fucking important about that stupid thing anyway? What was Jack hiding under there...? Axton's eyes flicked to the mask on the ground and then back to Jack. He didn't make a motion toward it. He just stood there, frozen and unsure of how to handle the situation at hand.

Jack fell to his knees, facing away from Axton, still covering his face with one hand and began blindly searching the ground for the mask. Axton had never seen Jack in such a state of horrid panic. He'd never seen the collected man so unraveled. Axton instantly felt guilt creep up his spine. What had he done? He hadn't meant to...

"H-HELP ME FIND IT!!" Jack yelled his voice cracking as he barked the order.

Axton frowned Jack was really getting worked up over this. Axton crossed the room and picked the mask up off the dirty floor. He dusted it off lightly and crouched down before Jack, who was still on his hands and knees searching for the lost mask.

"Hey, it's ok look I found it." Axton whispered gently trying to help Jack up.

Jack swatted Axton's hand away with his free hand.


Axton frowned deeper.

"Jack, hey, it's ok just calm down." Axton pushed, trying to put his hand on Jack's shoulder.

Jack flinched away and grabbed the mask from Axton's hand. Jack hurriedly went about clipping it back to its hinges. All Axton could do was watch, and feel awful. After the mask had been properly re-attached, Axton felt Jack's burning eyes upon him. Jack's eyes were trembling in their sockets, as if he'd almost been on the verge of tears.

Axton swallowed hard.

"Jack I-I'm sorry...I didn't mean to." Axton offered awkwardly.

Jack just shot him a "go die" kind of look and stood up off the floor. He turned his back on Axton and stormed out of the shack. Axton was left alone in the room, confused and shocked. He immediately felt the need to follow the other man. Axton pushed to his feet and ran after Jack. Jack was already a good ways away, walking with haste back to the Hyperion technicals.

"Jack! Jack would you wait!?" Axton yelled, now jogging to close the gap between himself and the other man.

"Why the fuck are you still here?" Jack snapped over his shoulder, never slowing down nor looking Axton in the eyes.

( Completed ) Pet play | Axton X handsome JackWhere stories live. Discover now